1. 將因子分解為大因子 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors (terrytao.wordpress.com)
2. 儘管發生了烏克蘭戰爭,歐洲去年進口的俄羅斯天然氣卻更多了 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Despite Ukraine war, Europe imported even more Russian gas last year (e360.yale.edu)
3. xAI 收購 X,xAI 現估值 800 億美元 ↑ 101 HN Points 05:23 xAI has acquired X, xAI now valued at 80B (twitter.com)
4. 日本科學家創造出可在一夜之間溶解於海水的新型塑料 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-28 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)
5. 亞馬遜上的 Levi''s 和 Levi''s 上的 Levi''s 有區別嗎? ↑ 102 HN Points 03-28 Are Levi''s from Amazon different from Levi''s from Levi''s? (nymag.com)
6. 我們黑進了谷歌人工智能 "雙子星",並洩露了它的源代碼(至少是部分源代碼) ↑ 129 HN Points 02:12 We hacked Google''s A.I Gemini and leaked its source code (at least some part) (www.landh.tech)
7. 被閃電擊中對一些熱帶樹木有好處 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-28 Getting hit by lightning is good for some tropical trees (www.caryinstitute.org)
9. Xee:Rust 中的現代 XPath 和 XSLT 引擎 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Xee: A Modern XPath and XSLT Engine in Rust (blog.startifact.com)
10. 跨平臺 P2P Wi-Fi:歐盟如何扼殺 AWDL ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Cross-Platform P2P Wi-Fi: How the EU Killed AWDL (www.ditto.com)
11. 如何撰寫開發人員閱讀的博文 - 重構英語 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-28 How to Write Blog Posts That Developers Read · Refactoring English (refactoringenglish.com)
12. Emacs Solo:系統製作者的驚喜現場演示 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Emacs Solo: A Surprise System Crafters Live Demo (www.rahuljuliato.com)
13. 谷歌在未經開發者同意的情況下公佈他們的家庭住址 ↑ 100 HN Points #Ask HN 03-28 Google is publishing the home addresses of developers without their consent (news.ycombinator.com)
14. 信號聊天洩漏激怒美軍飛行員 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Signal Chat Leak Angers U.S. Military Pilots (www.nytimes.com)
15. 我開了 300 英里,然後要求警方把我的汽車監控錄像發給我。 ↑ 124 HN Points 03-28 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
16. 東南亞發生 7.7 級地震,緬甸和泰國受到影響 ↑ 111 HN Points 03-28 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast Asia, affecting Myanmar and Thailand (twitter.com)
17. 美國國家航空航天局刪除關於女性如何成為宇航員的漫畫書 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 NASA Deletes Comic Book About How Women Can Be Astronauts (futurism.com)
18. 學習編碼,忽略人工智能,然後利用人工智能更好地編碼 ↑ 115 HN Points 03-28 Learn to code, ignore AI, then use AI to code even better (kyrylo.org)
20. 巨型真菌類生物可能是完全未知的生命分支 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-28 Giant, fungus-like organism may be a completely unknown branch of life (www.livescience.com)
22. 反編譯和移植用 C 語言編寫的 GameBoy Advance 遊戲 Sonic Advance 2 ↑ 105 HN Points 03-28 A decompilation and port of Sonic Advance 2-a GameBoy Advance game written in C (github.com)
23. 使用 uv 和 PEP 723 編寫自包含的 Python 腳本 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-28 Using uv and PEP 723 for Self-Contained Python Scripts (thisdavej.com)
24. 北極海冰在 2025 年創下最高紀錄新低 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-28 Arctic sea ice sets a record low maximum in 2025 (nsidc.org)
25. 由於用戶希望避免訂閱費用,LibreOffice 的下載量呈上升趨勢 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-28 LibreOffice downloads on the rise as users look to avoid subscription costs (www.computerworld.com)
26. 提出好問題比給出好答案更難 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-28 Asking good questions is harder than giving great answers (newsletter.dancohen.org)
27. 在建造自動路由器之前,我會告訴自己的事情 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-28 Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (blog.autorouting.com)
28. 關於微軟鼠標設備附帶的 USB 轉 PS/2 鼠標適配器的說明 ↑ 106 HN Points 03-28 A note on the USB-to-PS/2 mouse adapter that came with Microsoft mouse devices (devblogs.microsoft.com)
29. 從第一原理學習理論 [pdf] ↑ 102 HN Points 03-28 Learning Theory from First Principles [pdf] (www.di.ens.fr)
31. 我真的不明白為什麼有些人仍然看好法律碩士。 ↑ 118 HN Points 03-28 I genuinely don''t understand why some people are still bullish about LLMs (twitter.com)
32. 把這種待命輪換推得一乾二淨 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-28 Take this on-call rotation and shove it (www.scottsmitelli.com)
34. 縮放偏差:視頻會議中 "尖銳 "聲音的社會成本 ↑ 106 HN Points 03-28 Zoom bias: The social costs of having a ''tinny'' sound during video conferences (phys.org)
35. 如何使用 Em 破折號 (-)、En 破折號 (-) 和連字符 (-) ↑ 133 HN Points 03-28 How to Use Em Dashes (–), En Dashes (–), and Hyphens (-) (www.merriam-webster.com)
37. SignalGate 使 Signal 在美國的下載量達到歷史最高水平 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-28 SignalGate Is Driving the Most US Downloads of Signal Ever (www.wired.com)
40. 人工智能模型漏診黑人和女性患者的疾病 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-28 AI models miss disease in Black and female patients (www.science.org)
41. 加州法案旨在逐步淘汰學校中有害的超加工食品 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-28 California bill aims to phase out harmful ultra-processed foods in schools (www.thenewlede.org)
42. 聯邦政府扣留塔夫茨大學留學生 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-27 Federal Government Detains International Student at Tufts (www.nytimes.com)
43. 追蹤大型語言模型的思路 ↑ 127 HN Points 03-28 Tracing the thoughts of a large language model (www.anthropic.com)
45. 除非政治家懼怕現狀,否則富裕不會發生 ↑ 115 HN Points 03-28 Abundance Isn''t Going to Happen Unless Politicians Are Scared of the Status Quo (inpractice.yimbyaction.org)
46. Launch HN: 繼續 (YC S23) - 創建自定義人工智能代碼助手 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-27 Continue (YC S23) – Create custom AI code assistants (hub.continue.dev)
48. 一位電影製片人和一位奸詐律師打破了丹麥的自我形象 ↑ 111 HN Points 03-27 A filmmaker and a crooked lawyer shattered Denmark''s self-image (www.theguardian.com)
49. 爆破 WebP ↑ 112 HN Points 03-27 Blasting Past WebP - An analysis of the NSO BLASTPASS iMessage exploit (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
50. 他們可能是巨人》洪水 EPK 宣傳片(1990 年)[視頻] ↑ 101 HN Points 03-27 They Might Be Giants Flood EPK Promo (1990) [video] (www.youtube.com)
51. 火狐瀏覽器終於(重新)增加了對網絡應用程序的支持 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-27 Firefox Is Finally (Re)Adding Support for Web Apps (www.omgubuntu.co.uk)
57. DJ With Apple Music 推出,用戶可自行混音 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-27 DJ With Apple Music launches to enable subscribers to mix their own sets (www.musicweek.com)
58. 構建一個由 Firecracker 驅動的課程平臺來學習 Docker 和 Kubernetes ↑ 100 HN Points 03-27 Building a Firecracker-Powered Course Platform to Learn Docker and Kubernetes (iximiuz.com)
59. 從零開始構建 Linux 容器運行時 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-27 Building a Linux Container Runtime from Scratch (edera.dev)
60. 加州期待已久的朋友化合物法律 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-26 The long-awaited Friend Compound laws in California (supernuclear.substack.com)
62. 開發人員技能在代理編碼中的作用 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-26 The role of developer skills in agentic coding (martinfowler.com)
63. 黑客新聞》不敢討論的網站 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-27 The Website Hacker News Is Afraid to Discuss (daringfireball.net)
64. 蒙面國土安全人員綁架塔夫茨大學外國研究生 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-27 Masked homeland security abducting foreign graduate student from Tufts (apnews.com)
65. Blender 發佈奧斯卡獲獎版本工具 ↑ 131 HN Points 03-27 Blender releases their Oscar winning version tool (www.blender.org)
67. Waymos 撞車事故少於人類駕駛員 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-27 Waymos crash less than human drivers (www.understandingai.org)
68. 甲骨文客戶確認在所謂雲計算漏洞中被盜的數據有效 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-27 Oracle customers confirm data stolen in alleged cloud breach is valid (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
70. 谷歌將 Android 開發私有化,並將繼續發佈開源版本 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-27 Google makes Android development private, will continue open source releases (arstechnica.com)
72. 塔夫茨大學學生視頻顯示蒙面特工逮捕 Rumeysa Ozturk ↑ 101 HN Points 03-27 Tufts student: Video shows masked agents arresting Rumeysa Ozturk (www.bostonglobe.com)
73. 博茨瓦納成功發射首顆衛星 Botsat-1 ↑ 110 HN Points 03-27 Botswana Successfully Launches First Satellite, Botsat-1 (spaceinafrica.com)
75. 在故宮博物院發現用反向外殼感染本地軟件包的惡意軟件 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-27 Malware found on NPM infecting local package with reverse shell (www.reversinglabs.com)
76. 谷歌將從下週起閉門開發安卓操作系統 ↑ 123 HN Points 03-27 Google will develop Android OS behind closed doors starting next week (9to5google.com)
77. OpenAI 為代理 SDK 添加 MCP 支持 ↑ 133 HN Points 03-27 OpenAI adds MCP support to Agents SDK (openai.github.io)
79. 加拿大與美國之間的航空需求驟減,降幅超過 70 ↑ 123 HN Points 03-27 Airline Demand Between Canada and United States Collapses, Down 70% (onemileatatime.com)
80. 微軟研究:人工智能讓人類認知 "萎靡不振、毫無準備" ↑ 120 HN Points 03-27 Microsoft Study: AI Makes Human Cognition "Atrophied and Unprepared" (www.404media.co)
81. 再見,核心類型;你好,我們熟悉並喜愛的圍棋 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-27 Good-bye core types; Hello Go as we know and love it (go.dev)
82. Linux 內核 6.14 在性能和 Windows 兼容性方面實現了巨大飛躍 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-26 Linux kernel 6.14 is a big leap forward in performance and Windows compatibility (www.zdnet.com)
83. Debian 書蟲實時圖像現在可以重現了 ↑ 118 HN Points 03-27 Debian bookworm live images now reproducible (lwn.net)
85. Hyperlight WASM:快速、安全、無操作系統 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-26 Hyperlight WASM: Fast, secure, and OS-free (opensource.microsoft.com)
86. 以下是特朗普的顧問們在信號中分享的攻擊計劃 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-26 Here are the Attack Plans That Trump''s Advisers Shared on Signal (www.theatlantic.com)
87. 在選擇 Next.js 之前,您應該瞭解這一點 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-26 You should know this before choosing Next.js (eduardoboucas.com)
88. 雙子座 2.5 Pro 提出任務可行性的理由 ↑ 112 HN Points 03-26 Gemini 2.5 Pro reasons about task feasibility (everything.intellectronica.net)
90. 記錄顯示,DOGE 工作人員 "大球 "為網絡犯罪團伙提供技術支持 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-26 DOGE staffer,''Big Balls'', provided tech support to cybercrime ring, records show (www.reuters.com)
94. 用 Elixir 協調超級彩虹的視覺保真度 ↑ 115 HN Points 03-26 Coordinating the Superbowl''s visual fidelity with Elixir (elixir-lang.org)
95. 我最喜歡的 C 模式:X 宏 (2023) ↑ 101 HN Points 03-25 My Favorite C Pattern: X Macros (2023) (danilafe.com)
96. 中情局局長披露在中情局計算機上安裝了信號軟件 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-26 CIA Director Reveals Signal Comes Installed on Agency Computers (theintercept.com)
100. 開發人員稱人工智能爬蟲主導流量,迫使整個國家受阻 ↑ 109 HN Points 03-26 Devs say AI crawlers dominate traffic, forcing blocks on entire countries (arstechnica.com)
101. 我在 GitHub Actions 中運行的是誰的代碼? ↑ 103 HN Points 03-26 Whose code am I running in GitHub Actions? (alexwlchan.net)
103. Hacker News 排名最高的個人博客 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-26 The highest-ranking personal blogs of Hacker News (refactoringenglish.com)
104. 在監獄裡沒有律師:得克薩斯州的一個小鎮如何辜負貧困被告 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-26 In Jail Without a Lawyer: How a Texas Town Fails Poor Defendants (www.nytimes.com)
105. 為什麼 C 是光速的符號?(2004) ↑ 101 HN Points 03-25 Why is C the symbol for the speed of light? (2004) (math.ucr.edu)
106. 如果有機會,一定要多鋪設一些網絡光纖電纜 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-25 If you get the chance, always run more extra network fiber cabling (utcc.utoronto.ca)
107. 一個狡猾的網絡釣魚者搶走了我的 Mailchimp 郵件列表 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-25 A Sneaky Phish Just Grabbed My Mailchimp Mailing List (www.troyhunt.com)
108. 開源 OpenPubkey SSH (OPKSSH):將單點登錄與 SSH 集成在一起 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-25 Open-sourcing OpenPubkey SSH (OPKSSH): integrating single sign-on with SSH (blog.cloudflare.com)
109. 凱莉-米洛(Kylie Minogue)關於字體的歌曲 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-26 Kylie Minogue song about a typeface (abcdinamo.com)
112. 門廊咖啡:一個簡單的想法如何改變我的街區 ↑ 155 HN Points 03-26 Stoop Coffee: How a Simple Idea Transformed My Neighborhood (supernuclear.substack.com)
114. 雙子座 2.5:我們最智能的人工智能模型 ↑ 119 HN Points 03-26 Gemini 2.5: Our most intelligent AI model (blog.google)
115. X 的工程總監 Haofei Wang 已離開公司 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-25 X’s director of engineering, Haofei Wang, has left the company (www.theverge.com)
117. 人工智能泡沫威脅著硅谷,也威脅著我們所有人 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-25 An AI bubble threatens Silicon Valley, and all of us (prospect.org)
119. 從零開始編寫自己的 C 標準庫 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-25 Writing your own C standard library from scratch (nibblestew.blogspot.com)
121. 特斯拉在歐洲的交付量下降了 43%,而電動汽車卻增長了 31 ↑ 130 HN Points 03-25 Tesla deliveries down 43% in Europe while EVs are up 31% (electrek.co)
122. 2010 年赤足跑步大癔症 ↑ 106 HN Points 03-25 The Great Barefoot Running Hysteria of 2010 (runningshoescore.com)
123. 垃圾郵件發送者比其他人更擅長 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC ↑ 101 HN Points 03-25 Spammers are better at SPF, DKIM, and DMARC than everyone else (toad.social)
124. 三百年後,牛頓的工具得到更新 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-25 Three Hundred Years Later, a Tool from Isaac Newton Gets an Update (www.quantamagazine.org)
125. 搜索我的網站 - 面向個人和獨立網站的開源搜索引擎 ↑ 106 HN Points 03-25 Search My Site – open-source search engine for personal and independent websites (searchmysite.net)
127. 白衣行動項目(2010 年) ↑ 100 HN Points 03-25 Project Operation Whitecoat (2010) (scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu)
128. Show HN: 我是一名教師,創建了一個人工智能演示工具 ↑ 106 HN Points #Show HN 03-23 I''m a teacher and built an AI presentation tool (news.ycombinator.com)
129. 傑弗裡-戈德堡談被特朗普政府加入群聊 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-25 Jeffrey Goldberg on being added to the group chat by Trump Administration (www.theatlantic.com)
131. 德國議會投票作為 Git 的貢獻圖 ↑ 105 HN Points 03-25 German parliament votes as a Git contribution graph (abstimmung.eu)
133. Osgint - 用於查找 GitHub 用戶信息的 OSINT 工具 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-24 Osgint – OSINT tool to find information about GitHub user (github.com)
134. 我不會把我的洗碗機連接到你們的雲上 ↑ 121 HN Points 03-25 I won''t connect my dishwasher to your cloud (www.jeffgeerling.com)
135. 歐洲互聯網檔案館--讓藏品 "活 "起來 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-25 Internet Archive Europe – Bringing Collections to Life (www.internetarchive.eu)
136. Qwen2.5-VL-32B:更智能、更輕巧 ↑ 150 HN Points 03-25 Qwen2.5-VL-32B: Smarter and Lighter (qwenlm.github.io)
137. 掌握 Delphi 5 2025》註釋版現已完成 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-24 Mastering Delphi 5 2025 Annotated Edition Is Now Complete (blog.marcocantu.com)
138. 遊戲設計師玩弄自己的心靈 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-24 The Game Designer Playing Through His Own Psyche (www.newyorker.com)
139. 特斯拉在聖迭戈縣的銷量下降 35 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-24 Tesla sales drop 35% in San Diego County (fox5sandiego.com)
142. 特朗普政府意外給我發來戰爭計劃短信 ↑ 141 HN Points 03-25 The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans (www.theatlantic.com)
144. Goblin.tools:幫助神經變異者完成任務的簡單、單一任務工具 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-24 Goblin.tools: simple, single-task tools to help neurodivergent people with tasks (goblin.tools)
145. Shift-to-Middle Array:Std:Deque 的更快替代品? ↑ 101 HN Points 03-24 Shift-to-Middle Array: A Faster Alternative to Std:Deque? (github.com)
146. 惠普在集體訴訟和解中避免因打印機 "死機 "賠償損失 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-24 HP avoids monetary damages over bricked printers in class-action settlement (arstechnica.com)
147. Triforce - 用於蘋果硅筆記本電腦的波束成形器 ↑ 118 HN Points 03-24 Triforce – a beamformer for Apple Silicon laptops (crates.io)
148. 日本科學家利用幹細胞療法恢復脊柱損傷患者的運動能力 ↑ 110 HN Points 03-24 Japanese scientists use stem cell treatment to restore movement in spinal injury (medicalxpress.com)
149. 興趣愛好大賣場文物大劫案 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-23 The Great Hobby Lobby Artifact Heist (meghanboilard.substack.com)
150. Aiter:用於 ROCm 的人工智能張量引擎 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-23 Aiter: AI Tensor Engine for ROCm (rocm.blogs.amd.com)
151. 美國正目睹一個雙重國家的崛起 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-24 America Is Watching the Rise of a Dual State (www.theatlantic.com)
152. 演奏 Arp Schnitger 的虛擬管風琴 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-24 Play the Virtual Organ from Arp Schnitger (www.orgelstadt-hamburg.de)
154. 世界主要洗錢網絡之一如何運作 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-24 How one of the world’s major money laundering networks operates (www.nytimes.com)
155. 數百萬人正在訪問 "歐洲替代方案 "網站--我們看到了哪些趨勢? ↑ 104 HN Points 03-24 Millions are visiting the European Alternatives site––what trends are we seeing? (plausible.io)
156. 63 道中國菜:完全指南 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-24 63 Chinese Cuisines: The Complete Guide (2024) (chinesecookingdemystified.substack.com)
157. Quadlet:在 systemd 下運行 Podman 容器 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-24 Quadlet: Running Podman containers under systemd (mo8it.com)
158. DNA 檢測公司 23andMe 申請破產以出售自身 ↑ 127 HN Points 03-24 DNA testing firm 23andMe files for bankruptcy to sell itself (www.reuters.com)
159. RDNA 4 的 "非順序 "內存訪問 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-24 RDNA 4''s “Out-of-Order” Memory Accesses (chipsandcheese.com)
160. 英國科學家開發出適用於臺式機的快速、高質量人工智能天氣模型 ↑ 105 HN Points 03-24 English Scientists Develop Fast, High-Quality AI Weather Model for Desktops (www.turing.ac.uk)
163. Show HN: 我練習視讀的 iOS 應用程序(已在 App Store 上架 10 年) ↑ 105 HN Points #Show HN 03-24 My iOS app to practice sight reading (10 years in the App Store) (apps.apple.com)
164. Show HN: LinkedIn 爛透了,所以我建了一個更好的 ↑ 107 HN Points #Show HN 03-24 LinkedIn sucks, so I built a better one (heyopenspot.com)
165. 讓多個線程進入一個代碼塊的關鍵部分的情況 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-23 The case of the critical section that let multiple threads enter a block of code (devblogs.microsoft.com)
167. Show HN: 我建立了分享鼓型的網站 ↑ 105 HN Points #Show HN 03-23 I built website for sharing Drum Patterns (drumpatterns.onether.com)
168. argp:Go 的 GNU 風格命令行參數解析器 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-23 argp: GNU-style command line argument parser for Go (github.com)
169. 連接 "演示之母 "鍵盤的 USB 接口 ↑ 108 HN Points 03-23 A USB Interface to the "Mother of All Demos" Keyset (www.righto.com)
170. SeL4 微內核:簡介 [pdf] ↑ 106 HN Points 03-23 The SeL4 Microkernel: An Introduction [pdf] (sel4.systems)
174. 大多數人工智能的價值將來自廣泛的自動化,而非研發 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-23 Most AI value will come from broad automation, not from R & D (epoch.ai)
175. 帶著手機去美國旅行安全嗎? ↑ 114 HN Points 03-23 Is it safe to travel to the United States with your phone? (www.theverge.com)
176. Show HN: 我們製作了一個 MCP 服務器,這樣 Cursor 就能獨立調試 Node.js ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 03-22 We made an MCP server so Cursor can debug Node.js on its own (www.npmjs.com)
177. 保羅-A-M-狄拉克,弗里德里希-亨德訪談錄(1982 年)[視頻] ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Paul A. M. Dirac, Interview by Friedrich Hund (1982) [video] (www.youtube.com)
178. 在法律碩士時代改進推薦系統和搜索 ↑ 109 HN Points 03-23 Improving recommendation systems and search in the age of LLMs (eugeneyan.com)
179. 物理學數學方法 [pdf] ↑ 101 HN Points 03-23 Mathematical Methods for Physics [pdf] (www.ma.imperial.ac.uk)
180. 理解 R1-Zero-Like 訓練:批判性視角 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Understanding R1-Zero-Like Training: A Critical Perspective (github.com)
181. Next.js 15.2.3 版已發佈,以解決一個安全漏洞 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-23 Next.js version 15.2.3 has been released to address a security vulnerability (nextjs.org)
182. 微分幾何學:曲線與曲面第一課 [pdf] ↑ 102 HN Points 03-22 Differential Geometry: A First Course in Curves and Surfaces [pdf] (math.franklin.uga.edu)
183. 意大利要求谷歌根據嚴格的《盜版保護法》毒化 DNS ↑ 102 HN Points 03-23 Italy demands Google poison DNS under strict Piracy Shield law (arstechnica.com)
184. NixOS 和可重現的構建本可檢測到 xz 後門 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-23 NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoor (luj.fr)
185. Show HN: FastOpenAPI - 許多 Python 框架的自動化文檔 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 03-22 FastOpenAPI – automated docs for many Python frameworks (github.com)
186. Kubient 公司首席執行官因欺詐被判刑 ↑ 129 HN Points 03-23 CEO of Kubient sentenced for fraud (arstechnica.com)
188. 騰訊 "渾源-T1"--首款搭載曼巴動力的超大車型 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-23 Tencent''s ''Hunyuan-T1''–The First Mamba-Powered Ultra-Large Model (llm.hunyuan.tencent.com)
190. 編號應從 0 開始(1982 年) ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 Numbering should start at zero (1982) (www.cs.utexas.edu)
191. 利用計算機視覺識別 OpenStreetMap 中的地圖特徵 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-23 Map Features in OpenStreetMap with Computer Vision (blog.mozilla.ai)
192. 經過法律鬥爭,Facebook 將停止針對英國女性的廣告投放 ↑ 105 HN Points 03-23 Facebook to stop targeting ads at UK woman after legal fight (www.bbc.co.uk)
193. 當您在 Linux 上刪除 /lib 時仍通過 SSH 進行連接 (2022) ↑ 105 HN Points 03-22 When you deleted /lib on Linux while still connected via SSH (2022) (tinyhack.com)
194. 加州總檢察長羅布-邦塔緊急發佈 23andMe 客戶消費警示 ↑ 119 HN Points 03-23 California AG Rob Bonta Urgently Issues Consumer Alert for 23andMe Customers (oag.ca.gov)
195. 亞馬遜希望宣佈產品安全監管機構違憲 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Amazon wants a product safety regulator declared unconstitutional (www.washingtonpost.com)
196. Landrun:使用 Landlock 對任何 Linux 進程進行沙盒運行,無需 root 或容器 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-22 Landrun: Sandbox any Linux process using Landlock, no root or containers (github.com)
198. MySQL 每秒交易次數與每秒同步次數對比(2020 年) ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 MySQL transactions per second vs. fsyncs per second (2020) (sirupsen.com)
199. 古代 DNA 表明石器時代的歐洲人曾從海上遠航非洲 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 Ancient DNA Shows Stone Age Europeans Voyaged by Sea to Africa (www.nature.com)
200. 凱爾特人:伊恩-斯圖爾特著《凱爾特人:現代史》評論 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 ‘The Celts: A Modern History’ by Ian Stewart Review (www.historytoday.com)
201. 扇貝--神經符號編程語言 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Scallop – A Language for Neurosymbolic Programming (www.scallop-lang.org)
202. 利用內容分塊對文件備份服務進行分塊攻擊 [pdf] ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Chunking Attacks on File Backup Services Using Content-Defined Chunking [pdf] (www.daemonology.net)
203. Mathup:簡單的 MathML 創作工具,可快速編寫語法 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Mathup: Easy MathML authoring tool with a quick to write syntax (mathup.xyz)
205. 不合格的丘比特--一個電子郵件地址驗證不力的故事 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-22 Not OK Cupid – A story of poor email address validation (www.fastmail.com)
207. 拳擊手喬治-福爾曼(George Foreman)轉行成為福爾曼燒烤廣告明星,享年 76 歲 ↑ 128 HN Points 03-22 George Foreman, Boxer Turned Foreman Grill Infomercial Star, Dies at 76 (variety.com)
208. 怪物電纜選錯了威脅對象(2008 年) ↑ 116 HN Points 03-22 Monster Cables picked the wrong guy to threaten (2008) (www.oncontracts.com)
211. 波士頓動力公司展示仿人移動技術的又一次重大飛躍 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 Boston Dynamics shows off another major leap in humanoid mobility (newatlas.com)
212. 腿部運動與滑板運動的結合 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-21 Legged Locomotion Meets Skateboarding (umich-curly.github.io)
215. 機器學習中的紙筆練習》(2022 年) ↑ 149 HN Points 03-22 Pen and Paper Exercises in Machine Learning (2022) (arxiv.org)
216. Show HN: 純 PHP 的終端模擬器 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 03-22 A terminal emulator in pure PHP (github.com)
217. 美國專利商標局新備忘錄讓打擊專利巨魔變得更加困難 ↑ 114 HN Points 03-22 New USPTO Memo Makes Fighting Patent Trolls Even Harder (www.eff.org)
218. 不走的路就是保證最低收入 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 The Road Not Taken Is Guaranteed Minimum Income (blog.codinghorror.com)
220. Show HN: 火炬透鏡製作器 - PyTorch 中的可微分幾何光學器件 ↑ 104 HN Points #Show HN 03-21 Torch Lens Maker – Differentiable Geometric Optics in PyTorch (victorpoughon.github.io)
221. IronRDP:微軟 RDP 協議的 Rust 實現 ↑ 108 HN Points 03-21 IronRDP: a Rust implementation of Microsoft''s RDP protocol (github.com)
222. 擁堵定價是一個政策奇蹟 ↑ 126 HN Points 03-21 Congestion Pricing Is a Policy Miracle (bettercities.substack.com)
224. 倫敦希思羅機場因停電宣佈全面關閉 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-21 London''s Heathrow Airport announces complete shutdown due to power outage (www.cnn.com)
225. Notetime:一切都有時間戳的簡約筆記 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-21 Notetime: Minimalistic notes where everything is timestamped (www.notetimeapp.com)
226. 試想一下,如果告訴 2010 年的開發人員,2025 年,摺疊 div 需要 8 美元/月的費用 ↑ 132 HN Points 03-21 Imagine telling 2010 devs that in 2025, collapsing a div would require 8/ month (old.reddit.com)
227. 職業發展:成為經理、總監或副總裁意味著什麼(2015 年) ↑ 122 HN Points 03-21 Career Development: What It Means to Be a Manager, Director, or VP (2015) (kellblog.com)
228. 聯邦調查局扣押了這位女士一生的積蓄,卻沒有告訴她原因 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-21 The FBI Seized This Woman''s Life Savings–Without Telling Her Why (reason.com)
229. F-35 作為訂閱服務 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 The F-35 as a Subscription Service (xxtomcooperxx.substack.com)
231. 德國在三名公民被拘留後加強對美國的旅行建議 ↑ 117 HN Points 03-21 Germany tightens travel advice to US after three citizens detained (www.euronews.com)
232. 韓國警衛隊長在實施戒嚴令前諮詢 ChatGPT ↑ 102 HN Points 03-21 The head of South Korea''s guard consulted ChatGPT before martial law was imposed (www.hani.co.kr)
234. Grease:揭示二進制代碼中隱藏漏洞的開源工具 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Grease: An Open-Source Tool for Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Binary Code (www.galois.com)
235. ChatGPT 因誹謗性幻覺遭到隱私權投訴 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-21 ChatGPT hit with privacy complaint over defamatory hallucinations (techcrunch.com)
237. 在谷歌傳授防止斷電的新方法 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Teaching a new way to prevent outages at Google (sre.google)
238. Retro Boy:用 Rust 編寫的簡單遊戲男孩模擬器,可在網絡上運行 ↑ 105 HN Points 03-21 Retro Boy: simple Game Boy emulator written in Rust, can be played on the web (github.com)
239. 谷歌稱 Gemma 3 是能在一個 GPU 上運行的最強大的人工智能模型 ↑ 104 HN Points 03-21 Google calls Gemma 3 the most powerful AI model you can run on one GPU (www.theverge.com)
240. Show HN: 我建立了一個 MCP 服務器,這樣克勞德就可以玩掃雷了 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 03-20 I built a MCP server so Claude can play Minesweeper (github.com)
242. 暗示 "暗能量並非天文學家所想的那樣 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-20 ''More than a hint'' that dark energy isn''t what astronomers thought (www.nytimes.com)
243. 在最遙遠的已知星系中發現氧氣 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Oxygen discovered in most distant known galaxy (www.eso.org)
244. Doge 致被解僱的 CISA 員工:將您的個人資料通過電子郵件發送給我們 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 Doge to Fired CISA Staff: Email Us Your Personal Data (krebsonsecurity.com)
245. cve-2024-54471:MacOS 上的密碼洩露(以及更多!)問題 ↑ 107 HN Points 03-21 CVE-2024-54471: Leaking Passwords (and More!) on macOS (wts.dev)
246. 法國政府稱法國科學家被拒絕入境美國 ↑ 119 HN Points 03-21 French scientist denied entry into the U.S., French government says (www.reuters.com)
248. 特斯拉因外飾板問題召回 46,000 多輛 Cybertrucks ↑ 102 HN Points 03-20 Tesla to recall more than 46,000 Cybertrucks due to exterior panel issue (www.cnn.com)
249. 加拿大考慮對從美國通往阿拉斯加的公路收費 ↑ 116 HN Points 03-21 Canada considering charging for road access from USA to Alaska (washingtonstatestandard.com)
255. 商務部長建議購買股票後,特斯拉下跌 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 Tesla falls after Commerce secretary recommends buying stock (www.axios.com)
257. 歐盟首次向蘋果公司發送應用程序和設備的 DMA 互操作性指令 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 EU sends Apple first DMA interoperability instructions for apps and devices (techcrunch.com)
258. Ask HN: 您害怕去美國參加科技會議嗎? ↑ 100 HN Points #Ask HN 03-20 Are you afraid to travel to US to tech conferences? (news.ycombinator.com)
260. 持續危機,第九部分:美國國立衛生研究院內部現狀 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-20 The Continuing Crisis, Part IX: Inside the NIH Now (www.science.org)
261. 遊客在美國被鐵鏈拴住,"像漢尼拔-萊克特一樣 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Tourist in US chained ''like Hannibal Lecter'' (www.bbc.co.uk)
262. 自由和開放源碼軟件基礎設施正受到人工智能公司的攻擊 ↑ 228 HN Points 03-20 FOSS infrastructure is under attack by AI companies (thelibre.news)
263. Austral:具有線性類型和功能的系統語言 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Austral: A Systems Language with Linear Types and Capabilities (2022) (borretti.me)
264. 荷蘭議會:是時候放棄美國技術,選擇本土技術了 ↑ 156 HN Points 03-20 Dutch Parliament: Time to ditch US tech for homegrown options (www.theregister.com)
265. 軟銀集團將以 65 億美元收購安培計算公司 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 SoftBank Group to Acquire Ampere Computing for 6.5B (group.softbank)
266. 注意間隙在 CSS 中繪製分隔符的新方法 ↑ 109 HN Points 03-20 Minding the gaps: A new way to draw separators in CSS (blogs.windows.com)
267. 蘋果公司被歐盟反壟斷監管機構勒令向競爭對手開放 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Apple ordered by EU antitrust regulators to open up to rivals (www.reuters.com)
268. 渾源 3D-2-Turbo:在 4090 上 1 秒內快速生成高質量形狀 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Hunyuan3D-2-Turbo: fast high-quality shape generation in 1s on a 4090 (github.com)
269. 法國研究人員因對特朗普政府發表個人觀點而被拒絕入境 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 French researcher denied entry for a personal opinion on Trump administration (www.lemonde.fr)
270. Launch HN: Modernbanc (YC W20) - 現代化的快速會計軟件 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Modernbanc (YC W20) – Modern and fast accounting software (news.ycombinator.com)
272. 除非使用人工智能,否則 Stripe 會額外收取 15 美元的爭議費。 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 Stripe adds yet another additional 15 dispute fee, unless you use their AI (twitter.com)
273. 我是如何接受自己參加加拿大最大的人工智能黑客馬拉松的 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-20 How I accepted myself into Canada''s largest AI hackathon (fastcall.dev)
274. DESI開放迄今為止最大的宇宙三維地圖的訪問權限 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-20 DESI Opens Access to the Largest 3D Map of the Universe Yet (newscenter.lbl.gov)
275. 改變遊戲規則的科幻 Larp《奧德修斯》背後的集體抱負 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-20 The Collective Ambition Behind Odysseus, a Game-Changing Sci-Fi Larp (mssv.net)
276. Ikemen-GO:MUGEN 的開源重新實現 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-19 Ikemen-GO: open-source reimplementation of MUGEN (github.com)
277. Orpheus-3B - Canopy Labs 的 Emotive TTS ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 Orpheus-3B – Emotive TTS by Canopy Labs (canopylabs.ai)
278. 英特爾 Xe3 GPU 架構前瞻 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 Looking Ahead at Intel''s Xe3 GPU Architecture (chipsandcheese.com)
280. OpenAI 的 o1-pro 現可通過應用程序接口使用 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 OpenAI''s o1-pro now available via API (platform.openai.com)
281. 特斯拉之恨讓車主的保險費更加昂貴 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-19 Tesla Hate Is Making Insurance More Expensive for Owners (gizmodo.com)
282. LLM 代理就是簡單的圖形 - 傻瓜教程 ↑ 103 HN Points 03-20 LLM Agents Are Simply Graph – Tutorial for Dummies (zacharyhuang.substack.com)
284. Bolt3D:在幾秒鐘內生成 3D 場景 ↑ 101 HN Points 03-20 Bolt3D: Generating 3D Scenes in Seconds (szymanowiczs.github.io)
285. 谷歌將支付 2800 萬美元解決偏袒白人和亞裔員工的指控 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-19 Google to pay 28M to settle claims it favoured white and Asian employees (www.theguardian.com)
289. 供應限制無法解釋美國各城市房價和數量增長的原因 ↑ 106 HN Points 03-19 Supply constraints do not explain house price, quantity growth across US cities (www.nber.org)
290. 人工智能盲點--我在人工智能編碼時注意到的 LLM 盲點 ↑ 169 HN Points 03-20 AI Blindspots – Blindspots in LLMs I''ve noticed while AI coding (ezyang.github.io)
292. 互聯網貧民窟:放棄互聯網是下一件大事嗎?(2004) ↑ 102 HN Points 03-19 The Intenet Slum: is abandoning the Internet the next big thing? (2004) (www.fourmilab.ch)
293. CVE-2024-9956 - 在所有移動瀏覽器中接管 PassKey 帳戶 ↑ 102 HN Points 03-19 CVE-2024-9956 – PassKey Account Takeover in All Mobile Browsers (mastersplinter.work)
294. 蘋果因德國反壟斷打擊而在最高法院敗訴 ↑ 108 HN Points 03-19 Apple Loses Top Court Fight Over German Antitrust Crackdown (www.bloomberg.com)
296. 北美電子遊戲工人現在有了全行業工會 ↑ 109 HN Points 03-19 Video game workers in North America now have an industry-wide union (www.engadget.com)
297. Konva.js - 適用於 React、Vue 和 Svelte 的聲明式 2D 畫布 ↑ 109 HN Points 03-19 Konva.js - Declarative 2D Canvas for React, Vue, and Svelte (konvajs.org)
299. fd:簡單、快速、用戶友好的 "查找 "替代工具 ↑ 134 HN Points 03-19 fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to ''find'' (github.com)
300. 中國電動汽車主導全球市場,特斯拉失去優勢 ↑ 100 HN Points 03-19 Tesla loses ground as Chinese EVs dominate global markets (restofworld.org)