1. 元审查 Instagram 上的 "#民主党人 ↑ 109 HN Points 17:08 Meta Censoring ''#Democrat'' on Instagram (mstdn.chrisalemany.ca)
3. SRCL:构建具有终端美感的网络应用的开源 React 项目 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-19 SRCL: Open-source React project to build web apps with terminal aesthetics (www.sacred.computer)
4. Show HN: 用于词汇积累的个性化 Duolingo(类似 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 00:27 Personalized Duolingo (kind of) for vocabulary building (github.com)
5. 作者在人工智能盗版调查中寻求 Meta 的洪流客户端日志和种子数据 ↑ 102 HN Points 04:38 Authors seek Meta''s torrent client logs and seeding data in AI piracy probe (torrentfreak.com)
6. Ruff:用 Rust 编写的 Python 内核和代码格式化工具 ↑ 105 HN Points 08:49 Ruff: Python linter and code formatter written in Rust (github.com)
7. 埃隆在就职演说中行纳粹礼 ↑ 101 HN Points 07:53 Elon Gives Nazi Salute During Inauguration Speech (www.youtube.com)
8. 看起来 Meta 的确是偷了很多书来构建自己的人工智能 ↑ 100 HN Points 09:59 It sure looks like Meta stole a lot of books to build its AI (lithub.com)
10. Automattic 首席执行官马特-穆伦维格似乎决心摧毁 WordPress ↑ 103 HN Points 05:32 Matt Mullenweg, Automattic''s CEO, Seems Bound and Determined to Wreck WordPress (digitalcxo.com)
11. 逆向工程我的头号黑客新闻文章 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-20 Reverse engineering my #1 Hacker News article (danielwirtz.com)
12. 本科生的可分性问题从何而来? ↑ 101 HN Points 01-20 Where do those undergraduate divisibility problems come from? (grossack.site)
13. 埃隆-马斯克在就职典礼集会上连续向法西斯致敬 ↑ 106 HN Points 06:21 Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally (www.theguardian.com)
15. 埃隆-马斯克是否在特朗普就职典礼上致敬? ↑ 120 HN Points 05:02 Did Elon Musk Appear to Sieg Heil at Trump Inauguration? (www.jpost.com)
16. 以后再使用 GitHub 动作时,我会三思而后行 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-20 I''ll think twice before using GitHub Actions again (ninkovic.dev)
17. 我(不是)失败者:从六次失败的创业尝试中学到的经验教训 ↑ 118 HN Points 02:40 I am (not) a failure: Lessons learned from six failed startup attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
18. 我是彼得-罗伯茨,移民律师,为 YC 和初创企业工作。阿马 ↑ 102 HN Points #Ask HN 00:20 I''m Peter Roberts, immigration attorney, who does work for YC and startups. AMA (news.ycombinator.com)
21. Parinfer:更简单的 Lisp 编辑 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-20 Parinfer: Simpler Lisp Editing (shaunlebron.github.io)
22. TypeScript 枚举:用例和替代方案 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-20 TypeScript enums: use cases and alternatives (2ality.com)
25. 通过 9eSIM SIM 卡在只有实体 SIM 卡插槽的设备上使用 eSIM 卡 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-20 Using eSIMs with devices that only have a physical SIM slot via a 9eSIM SIM car (neilzone.co.uk)
27. 中断如何影响不同的软件工程活动 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-20 How do interruptions impact different software engineering activities (rdel.substack.com)
29. 对于 SATA SDD 而言,"支持 DRM 且可能无法完全访问 "是什么意思? ↑ 104 HN Points 01-20 What does "supports DRM and may not be fully accessible" mean for SATA SDDs? (unix.stackexchange.com)
32. 用 C 或 C 从 UTC 字符串中获取 Unix 时区时间的惊人难度 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-20 The surprising struggle to get a Unix Epoch time from a UTC string in C or C (berthub.eu)
33. 反向工程 Bambu Connect ↑ 115 HN Points 01-20 Reverse Engineering Bambu Connect (wiki.rossmanngroup.com)
34. Ask HN: 有人通过销售传统的可下载软件赚钱吗? ↑ 100 HN Points #Ask HN 01-20 Is anyone making money selling traditional downloadable software? (news.ycombinator.com)
36. IsMyXFeedFucked - 分析您的 X Feed 对您的影响 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-19 IsMyXFeedFucked – Analyze How Your X Feed''s Impacting You (www.ismyxfeedfucked.com)
37. OpenAI 资助了 FrontierMath Benchmarks,并获得了这套工具 ↑ 116 HN Points 01-20 OpenAI funded FrontierMath Benchmarks and had access to the set (www.lesswrong.com)
38. 是时候让计算再次个人化了 ↑ 120 HN Points 01-20 It''s time to make computing personal again (www.vintagecomputing.com)
39. 用 Raspberry Pi 为你的家庭实验室打造一个小型 CA ↑ 110 HN Points 01-19 Build a tiny CA for your homelab with a Raspberry Pi (smallstep.com)
40. 联想已从新款 ThinkPad 笔记本电脑中移除 TrackPoint 凸点 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-20 Lenovo has removed the TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops (www.pcworld.com)
42. 用 RSS 订阅逃离围墙花园和算法黑箱 ↑ 121 HN Points 01-20 Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds (www.johnwalker.nl)
43. 为什么 Git Autocorrect 对一级方程式赛车手来说太快了? ↑ 108 HN Points 01-20 Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? (blog.gitbutler.com)
44. 在不支持的系统中将 Apple 设备用作门禁卡 ↑ 106 HN Points 01-20 Using your Apple device as an access card in unsupported systems (github.com)
46. 真人秀节目 "叛徒 "提供了一堂有益的经济学课 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-19 “The Traitors”, a reality TV show, offers a useful economics lesson (www.economist.com)
47. 35 美分 "准将 64 软调制解调器 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-19 The "35-cent" Commodore 64 softmodem (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
48. TikTok 表示正在恢复对美国用户的服务 ↑ 148 HN Points 01-20 TikTok says it is restoring service for U.S. users (www.nbcnews.com)
49. 关于 TikTok 和 ByteDance Ltd. 应用程序在美国的可用性 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-19 About availability of TikTok and ByteDance Ltd. apps in the United States (support.apple.com)
50. 我们需要保护运行 Bluesky 的协议 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-19 We need to protect the protocol that runs Bluesky (www.technologyreview.com)
52. 百年一遇 "的发现揭示了庞贝古城的奢华 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-17 ''Once-in-a-century'' discovery reveals luxury of Pompeii (www.bbc.com)
53. Yek:序列化您的代码 repo(或其中的一部分),以便输入到任何 LLM 中 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-19 Yek: Serialize your code repo (or part of it) to feed into any LLM (github.com)
54. 法老之墓 HD》--用 Kaplay 制作的 JavaScript 重制版 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-19 Pharaoh''s Tomb HD – A Remake Made in JavaScript with Kaplay (pt-hd.iocaihost.me)
57. Forgejo:自托管的轻量级软件锻造器 ↑ 111 HN Points 01-19 Forgejo: A self-hosted lightweight software forge (forgejo.org)
58. 使用社区版 Synapse 将导致全国范围的 Matrix 部署失败 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-19 Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
59. WASM GC 还没有为实时图形做好准备 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-19 WASM GC isn''t ready for realtime graphics (dthompson.us)
60. 圣彼得大教堂数字体验 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Saint Peter Basilica digital experience (virtual.basilicasanpietro.va)
61. 天梦英特尔的 E-Cores 傲视群雄 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-19 Skymont: Intel''s E-Cores reach for the Sky (chipsandcheese.com)
62. Unix 法术如何在 64kb 内存中运行 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-19 How Unix spell ran in 64kb RAM (blog.codingconfessions.com)
63. Perplexity AI 提交与 TikTok 合并的申请 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-19 Perplexity AI submits bid to merge with TikTok (techcrunch.com)
66. 杜萨编程语言(有限选择逻辑编程) ↑ 102 HN Points 01-18 Dusa Programming Language (Finite-Choice Logic Programming) (dusa.rocks)
68. O1 不是聊天模式(这正是问题所在) ↑ 104 HN Points 01-19 O1 isn''t a chat model (and that''s the point) (www.latent.space)
69. Windows BitLocker - 没有螺丝刀也能拧紧 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-18 Windows BitLocker – Screwed Without a Screwdriver (neodyme.io)
70. 亚马逊的人工智能爬虫让我的 Git 服务器变得不稳定 ↑ 176 HN Points 01-19 Amazon''s AI crawler is making my Git server unstable (xeiaso.net)
71. 丰田普锐斯改变了汽车行业 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-18 The Toyota Prius transformed the auto industry (spectrum.ieee.org)
73. AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A 的巨型内存子系统 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-18 The AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A''s Giant Memory Subsystem (chipsandcheese.com)
74. Ask HN: 有人尝试过 SaaS 的其他公司模式(如合作公司)吗? ↑ 105 HN Points #Ask HN 01-18 Has anyone tried alternative company models (like a co-op) for SaaS? (news.ycombinator.com)
75. Project Mini Rack - 结构紧凑、便于携带的家庭实验室 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Project Mini Rack – compact and portable homelabs (www.jeffgeerling.com)
76. Show HN: 交互式 systemd - 使用 systemd 单元的更好方法 ↑ 120 HN Points #Show HN 01-19 Interactive systemd – a better way to work with systemd units (isd-project.github.io)
78. 谷歌开始要求谷歌搜索使用 JavaScript ↑ 109 HN Points 01-18 Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search (techcrunch.com)
79. 您能读懂这些草书字迹吗?国家档案馆需要您的帮助 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-18 Can you read this cursive handwriting? The National Archives wants your help (www.smithsonianmag.com)
80. 我一直在倡导支持 RSS,你也应该这样做 ↑ 127 HN Points 01-18 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
81. 晚饭时摄入更多的钾与减少睡眠障碍有关--研究 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-18 Higher potassium intake at dinner linked to fewer sleep disturbances – study (www.nutraingredients-asia.com)
83. EFF 就美国最高法院维持 TikTok 禁令的决定发表声明 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-18 EFF statement on U.S. Supreme Court''s decision to uphold TikTok ban (www.eff.org)
84. 使用 ChatGPT 对环境无害 ↑ 123 HN Points 01-18 Using ChatGPT is not bad for the environment (andymasley.substack.com)
87. 法国现代派受到报纸贪婪活力的启发,感到震惊 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-18 French modernists were alarmed, inspired by newspaper''s voracious dynamism (aeon.co)
88. Ozempic 和 Wegovy 被选中参加医疗保险价格谈判 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-17 Ozempic and Wegovy are selected for Medicare''s price negotiations (apnews.com)
89. Show HN: 教授用户体验设计中黑暗模式的互动游戏 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 01-17 Interactive game teaching dark patterns in UX design (games.productartistry.com)
91. 调查 "邪恶 "的 RJ45 密码锁 ↑ 114 HN Points 01-18 Investigating an "Evil" RJ45 Dongle (lcamtuf.substack.com)
92. 让我们来谈谈人工智能和端到端加密 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-17 Let''s talk about AI and end-to-end encryption (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
93. Show HN: 编辑美人鱼类图的图形用户界面 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 01-17 GUI for editing Mermaid class diagrams (docs.mermaidchart.com)
95. 家庭低音炮 - 用 NES 播放音乐 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-17 The Family Bass - Music with an NES (www.linusakesson.net)
96. 色彩空间和感知亮度问题 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Issues with Color Spaces and Perceptual Brightness (johnaustin.io)
97. Ask HN: 我怎样才能现实地转行? ↑ 108 HN Points #Ask HN 01-17 How can I realistically change careers? (news.ycombinator.com)
98. 最高法院裁定维持 TikTok 禁令,为关闭创造条件 ↑ 269 HN Points 01-17 Supreme Court rules to uphold TikTok ban, setting stage for shutdown (www.cnbc.com)
100. Firebase 账单通常是 50 美元,但我很惊讶一天之内就看到了 7 万美元的账单 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Firebase bill is usually 50, but I was surprised to see a 70k bill in one day (twitter.com)
104. 通用汽车 5 年内禁止出售驾驶行为数据 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 General Motors Is Banned from Selling Driving Behavior Data for 5 Years (www.nytimes.com)
105. 绕过带有 TPM2 自动解锁功能的系统上的磁盘加密 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Bypassing disk encryption on systems with automatic TPM2 unlock (oddlama.org)
106. 您不能将价值 6299 美元的摄像头用作网络摄像头。那将是 5 美元 ↑ 162 HN Points 01-17 You can''t use your 6,299.00 Camera as a Webcam. That will be 5 (romanzipp.com)
108. 人工智能扩散框架 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-17 Framework for Artificial Intelligence Diffusion (www.federalregister.gov)
109. 世界是否变得无法保险? ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 Is the world becoming uninsurable? (charleshughsmith.substack.com)
111. 用 100 种语言解决前 100 个欧拉项目问题 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-17 Solving the first 100 Project Euler problems using 100 languages (github.com)
113. 利用风力从空气中制造氨气的装置 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-16 Device uses wind to create ammonia out of air (spectrum.ieee.org)
115. 苏奇尔-巴拉吉案重审:从 "自杀 "到 "积极调查 ↑ 113 HN Points 01-17 Suchir Balaji Case Reopened: From ‘Suicide'' to ''Active Investigation’ (www.republicbiz.com)
116. 红帽利用 OpenShift 虚拟化引擎向 VMware 商店招手 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-16 Red Hat Woos VMware Shops with OpenShift Virtualization Engine (www.nextplatform.com)
117. 利用法学硕士学位进行测试驱动开发,寓教于乐 ↑ 109 HN Points 01-16 Test-driven development with an LLM for fun and profit (blog.yfzhou.fyi)
118. GitHub Linux ARM64 托管运行程序现已在公共软件源中免费提供 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-17 GitHub Linux ARM64 hosted runners now available for free in public repositories (github.blog)
119. 2025 年的六天和 IP 地址证书选项 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-16 Six day and IP address certificate options in 2025 (letsencrypt.org)
121. 2 千年陈酿与过去的奇妙直接性 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-16 2k-year-old wine and the uncanny immediacy of the past (resobscura.substack.com)
122. 双峰》和《穆赫兰道》导演大卫-林奇去世,享年 78 岁 ↑ 148 HN Points 01-17 David Lynch, Twin Peaks and Muholland Drive director, dies aged 78 (www.theguardian.com)
124. 同样的三个乐队出现在三种不同的演示文稿中,标签各不相同 ↑ 109 HN Points 01-17 Same three bands appear in three different presentations with different labels (pubpeer.com)
126. ZADZMO,一个用来捕捉网络爬虫的防护罩 ↑ 289 HN Points 01-16 Nepenthes is a tarpit to catch AI web crawlers (zadzmo.org)
127. Show HN: 我创建了一个开放源代码目录,供大家展示自己的项目 ↑ 116 HN Points #Show HN 01-16 I made an open source directory of where to showoff your projects (github.com)
128. 我抛弃了 RSS 算法,你也应该这样做 ↑ 233 HN Points 01-16 I Ditched the Algorithm for RSS–and You Should Too (joeyehand.com)
129. 倡导团体认为,苹果在欧盟法律下的互操作性努力还不够 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-16 Apple interoperability efforts under EU law falls short, advocacy groups argue (www.theregister.com)
130. 数学家发现球体 "接吻 "的新方法 ↑ 120 HN Points 01-16 Mathematicians Discover New Way for Spheres to ''Kiss'' (www.quantamagazine.org)
132. Natrium "先进 "核电站获得怀俄明州许可 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-16 Natrium ''advanced nuclear'' power plant wins Wyoming permit (wyofile.com)
136. iPhone 发布后诺基亚的内部演示 ↑ 125 HN Points 01-16 Nokia''s internal presentation after iPhone was launched (repo.aalto.fi)
137. 任天堂发布 Switch 2 [视频] ↑ 177 HN Points 01-16 Nintendo announces the Switch 2 [video] (www.youtube.com)
138. 蓝色起源公司的 "新格伦 "巨型火箭首次飞行便进入轨道 ↑ 114 HN Points 01-16 Blue Origin reaches orbit on first flight of its titanic New Glenn rocket (arstechnica.com)
139. 英特尔 Tofino P4 软件现已开源 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-16 Intel''s Tofino P4 Software Is Now Open Source (p4.org)
140. dnSpyEx:.NET 调试器和程序集编辑器 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-16 dnSpyEx: .NET debugger and assembly editor (github.com)
143. OpenAI 未能为摄影师提供选择退出系统 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-16 OpenAI Fails to Deliver Opt-Out System for Photographers (petapixel.com)
144. Show HN: 我为独立制作者打造了一个公平的产品 Hunt 替代方案 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 01-16 I built a fair alternative to Product Hunt for indie makers (news.ycombinator.com)
145. 100 倍的缺陷容忍度:我们如何解决产量问题 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-16 100x defect tolerance: How we solved the yield problem (cerebras.ai)
146. 以色列与哈马斯达成停火协议,结束加沙 15 个月的战争 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-16 Israel, Hamas reach ceasefire deal to end 15 months of war in Gaza (www.reuters.com)
147. 我决定解散兴登堡研究中心 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-16 I have made the decision to disband Hindenburg Research (hindenburgresearch.com)
148. 谷歌将免费提供 Gmail 和 Docs 中的人工智能,但提高了 Workspace 的价格 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-15 Google is making AI in Gmail and Docs free, but raising the price of Workspace (www.theverge.com)
149. 澳航南非航班因 SpaceX 火箭碎片坠落而延误 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-16 Qantas South Africa flights delayed by falling debris from SpaceX rockets (www.theguardian.com)
150. 联合健康保险公司向癌症患者多收了超过 1000% 的药费 ↑ 166 HN Points 01-16 UnitedHealth overcharged cancer patients for drugs by over 1,000% (fortune.com)
151. 瑞典投资 1.04 亿欧元恢复印刷教科书 ↑ 108 HN Points 01-16 Sweden is investing 104M to bring back printed textbooks (indiandefencereview.com)
152. GOG 加入欧洲游戏档案、博物馆和保护项目联合会 ↑ 119 HN Points 01-16 GOG Joins European Federation of Game Archives, Museums & Preservation Projects (www.gamingonlinux.com)
155. 面向 Django 开发人员的现代 JavaScript ↑ 104 HN Points 01-15 Modern JavaScript for Django Developers (www.saaspegasus.com)
157. 用 Rust 和 647 个开源依赖项在四个月内构建数据库 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-15 Build a Database in Four Months with Rust and 647 Open-Source Dependencies (tisonkun.io)
158. Ropey - 用于操作和编辑大型文本的 UTF8 文本绳。 ↑ 106 HN Points 01-15 Ropey – A UTF8 text rope for manipulating and editing large texts. in Rust (github.com)
159. 为什么 Cloudflare 页面有如此慷慨的免费层? ↑ 106 HN Points 01-15 Why does Cloudflare Pages have such a generous free tier? (mattsayar.com)
160. 去甲肾上腺素介导的缓慢血管运动驱动睡眠中的甘液清除 ↑ 110 HN Points 01-15 Norepinephrine-mediated slow vasomotion drives glymphatic clearance during sleep (www.cell.com)
162. 美国将禁止在谷物和其他食品中使用与癌症有关的 3 号红色染料 ↑ 126 HN Points 01-15 US Will Ban Cancer-Linked Red Dye No. 3 in Cereal and Other Foods (www.bloomberg.com)
164. TikTok 准备在周日关闭美国网站 ↑ 130 HN Points 01-15 TikTok preparing for U.S. shut-off on Sunday (www.reuters.com)
166. Show HN: Simplex:使用代码和自然语言自动执行浏览器工作流 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 01-15 Simplex: Automate browser workflows using code and natural language (www.simplex.sh)
167. 使用 Kokoro-82M 从电子书生成有声读物 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-15 Generate audiobooks from E-books with Kokoro-82M (claudio.uk)
168. Show HN: OpenAI 结构化输出的似然值 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 01-14 Value likelihoods for OpenAI structured output (arena-ai.github.io)
169. 内华达州法院制止警方利用联邦漏洞进行民事没收 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-15 Nevada Court Shuts Down Police Use of Federal Loophole for Civil Forfeiture (ij.org)
171. 带有计划任务(jawbone)的 GPT-4o 已推出测试版 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-15 GPT-4o with scheduled tasks (jawbone) is available in beta (chatgpt.com)
172. 家庭教育为何成为时尚? ↑ 103 HN Points 01-14 Why is homeschooling becoming fashionable? (newsletter.goodtechthings.com)
174. 用纯 HTML 和 CSS 重写我的网站 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-15 Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS (www.vijayp.dev)
175. Dbt Labs 收购 SDF Labs 以加速 dbt 开发人员体验 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-14 Dbt Labs acquires SDF Labs (www.getdbt.com)
177. Show HN: 从搜索结果中删除垃圾邮件和不良网站的屏蔽列表 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 01-14 A blocklist to remove spam and bad websites from search results (github.com)
178. 如果你看到这个速度标志,你可能会死掉 ↑ 117 HN Points 01-15 If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You''re Probably Going to Die (www.theautopian.com)
182. Show HN: GitHub 上由 WASM 支持的 Python 笔记本代码空间 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 01-15 WASM-powered codespaces for Python notebooks on GitHub (docs.marimo.io)
184. 平台系统性地删除一名用户,因为他制作了 "通缉 CEO "卡片 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-15 Platforms systematically removed a user because he made "most wanted CEO" cards (www.eff.org)
185. 关于推进美国在人工智能基础设施领域的领导地位的行政令 ↑ 111 HN Points 01-15 Executive order on advancing United States leadership in AI infrastructure (www.whitehouse.gov)
186. 伺服与步进:速度、扭矩和精度 [视频] ↑ 100 HN Points 01-14 Servo vs. steppers: Speed, Torque and Accuracy [video] (www.youtube.com)
187. 宇宙键盘扫描你的手,打造键盘 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-14 Cosmos Keyboard: Scan your hand, build a keyboard (ryanis.cool)
188. Ask HN: 如何防止社交媒体对孩子的影响? ↑ 104 HN Points #Ask HN 01-13 How do you prevent the impact of social media on your children? (news.ycombinator.com)
190. 以 LLM 为基础的代理作为地下城管理员 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-14 LLM based agents as Dungeon Masters (studenttheses.uu.nl)
191. 酒店预订网站向湾区客户多收费 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-13 Hotel booking sites overcharge Bay Area customers (www.sfgate.com)
192. Mastodon 宣布新的欧洲非营利组织,并更换首席执行官 ↑ 108 HN Points 01-13 Mastodon announces new European non-profit, change of CEO (blog.joinmastodon.org)
193. 苹果公司即将从台积电亚利桑那晶圆厂获得 "美国制造 "芯片 ↑ 149 HN Points 01-15 Apple will soon receive ''made in America'' chips from TSMC''s Arizona fab (www.tomshardware.com)
194. 全州保险公司使用 GasBuddy 和其他应用程序跟踪驾驶行为:诉讼 ↑ 112 HN Points 01-15 Allstate used GasBuddy and other apps to track driving behavior: lawsuit (arstechnica.com)
195. Meta 宣布削减 5%,为 "紧张的一年 "做准备 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-15 Meta announces 5% cuts in preparation for ''intense year'' (www.cnbc.com)
196. 谷歌 OAuth 漏洞导致数百万个账户存在漏洞 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-15 Millions of Accounts Vulnerable Due to Google''s OAuth Flaw (trufflesecurity.com)
197. 质子:我们将捐出 100 多万美元来支持更好的互联网 ↑ 111 HN Points 01-14 Proton: We''re giving away over 1M to support a better internet (proton.me)
198. 锡克教的 "Langar "习俗--人人平等的免费膳食 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-14 The Sikh Practice of Langar, a Free Meal Where Everyone Is Equal (www.wttw.com)
202. 每 5 个在线招聘信息中就有 1 个是虚假的或从未被录用过 ↑ 128 HN Points 01-14 1 in 5 Online Job Postings Are Either Fake or Never Filled (gizmodo.com)
203. 让十字路口对行人不安全,为司机节省时间 ↑ 112 HN Points 01-14 Making an Intersection Unsafe for Pedestrians to Save Seconds for Drivers (collegetowns.substack.com)
204. 美国工人对工作的热情降至十年来最低点 ↑ 106 HN Points 01-14 American workers'' enthusiasm for their jobs falls to a 10-year low (www.axios.com)
207. 据最新全球估计,植物对二氧化碳的吸收量增加了近三分之一 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-14 Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates (www.ornl.gov)
208. PostgreSQL 是 2024 年的数据库管理系统 ↑ 118 HN Points 01-14 PostgreSQL Is the Database Management System of the Year 2024 (db-engines.com)
210. 我改用火狐浏览器,从此不再回头 ↑ 112 HN Points 01-14 I Switched to Firefox and Never Looked Back (www.howtogeek.com)
211. ZFS 2.3.0 发布,包含 ZFS raidz 扩展 ↑ 121 HN Points 01-14 ZFS 2.3.0 released with ZFS raidz expansion (github.com)
212. Webtop - 包含完整桌面环境的 Alpine、Ubuntu、Fedora 和 Arch 容器 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-14 Webtop – Alpine,Ubuntu,Fedora,and Arch containers containing full desktop envs (docs.linuxserver.io)
214. Snyk 安全研究员部署了针对 Cursor.com 的恶意 NPM 软件包 ↑ 117 HN Points 01-14 Snyk security researcher deploys malicious NPM packages targeting Cursor.com (sourcecodered.com)
215. 拥堵收费开启后,曼哈顿道路上的驾驶员减少了 4.3 万人 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-14 43K fewer drivers on Manhattan roads after congestion pricing turned on (gothamist.com)
216. 纽约开始执行互联网服务提供商试图扼杀的 15 美元宽带法 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-14 New York starts enforcing 15 broadband law that ISPs tried to kill (arstechnica.com)
217. Ask HN: 2025 年,维护个人博客还值得吗? ↑ 102 HN Points #Ask HN 01-14 Is maintaining a personal blog still worth it? (news.ycombinator.com)
218. 西班牙建议对非欧盟居民购买的房屋征收 100% 的税款 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-14 Spain proposes 100% tax on homes bought by non-EU residents (www.theguardian.com)
220. 应用程序更新失败后,Sonos 首席执行官下台 ↑ 109 HN Points 01-14 Sonos CEO steps down after app update debacle (www.reuters.com)
221. 如果在河边等待 14272 年,你能走完俄勒冈小道吗?一项研究 ↑ 104 HN Points 01-13 Can you complete the Oregon Trail if you wait at river for 14272 years: A study (moral.net.au)
223. Facebook 屏蔽了联合 Instagram 替代品 Pixelfed 的链接 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Facebook blocks links to Pixelfed, a federated Instagram alternative (bsky.app)
224. 摩根大通工人在 "重返办公室 "规定出台后考虑加入工会 ↑ 109 HN Points 01-14 JPMorgan Workers Ponder Union in Wake of Return-to-Office Mandate (www.barrons.com)
226. 摩天大楼为何变成了玻璃盒子 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-13 Why Skyscrapers Became Glass Boxes (www.construction-physics.com)
229. 我创建了一个开源的硬件黑客 Wiki,为初学者提供教程 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-12 I created an open-source Hardware Hacking Wiki – with tutorials for beginners (www.hardbreak.wiki)
231. Show HN: 美国退伍军人记录的新搜索引擎和免费 FOIA 传真网络版 ↑ 100 HN Points #Show HN 01-13 New search engine and free-FOIA-by-fax-via-web for US veteran records (www.birls.org)
232. 为什么盖蒂中心是火灾中艺术品最安全的地方(2019年) ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Why the Getty Center Is the Safest Place for Art During a Fire (2019) (www.getty.edu)
233. 欧洲云计算提供商 Anexia 将 1.2 万台虚拟机从 VMware 迁移到自制 KVM 平台 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-13 Euro-cloud provider Anexia moves 12,000 VMs off VMware to homebrew KVM platform (www.theregister.com)
234. 语言编程:克努特做错了 (2014) ↑ 101 HN Points 01-13 Literate programming: Knuth is doing it wrong (2014) (akkartik.name)
235. Ask HN: 我是这里唯一一个无法忍受 HN 对人工智能痴迷的人吗? ↑ 101 HN Points #Ask HN 01-13 Am I the only one here who can''t stand HN''s AI obsession? (news.ycombinator.com)
236. 从谷歌/Bing/LinkedIn消失:对反网络中立论文的反驳 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Vanished from Google/Bing/LinkedIn: a rebuttal of an anti-net neutrality paper (internetthought.blogspot.com)
237. 好运当头》可能被禁止在 Google Play 上播放 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-13 Luck Be a Landlord Might Be Banned from Google Play (blog.trampolinetales.com)
238. 伦敦地铁/巴士实时地图被 TfL 商标投诉撤下 ↑ 105 HN Points 01-13 Live London Underground / bus maps taken down by TfL trademark complaint (traintimes.org.uk)
239. 永恒的 9 条调试黄金法则(2004 年) ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 The Timeless 9 Golden Rules of Debugging (2004) (dwheeler.com)
240. 员工绕过人力资源部门,在 LinkedIn 上分享信息 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Employees are bypassing HR, sharing on LinkedIn (www.businessinsider.com)
241. 老电影里的汽车是怎么散架的(2017) ↑ 104 HN Points 01-13 How did they make cars fall apart in old movies (2017) (movies.stackexchange.com)
243. 蓝色起源公司新格伦任务 NG-1 - 现场直播 ↑ 106 HN Points 01-13 Blue Origin New Glenn Mission NG-1 – Live (www.blueorigin.com)
245. 免费电影逐帧手绘再现 "蜜蜂电影"(2023 年) ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 The Free Movie: Frame-by-frame, handrawn reproduction of "The Bee Movie" (2023) (thefreemovie.buzz)
246. Canva 故障:饱和与恢复能力的另一个故事 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-13 The Canva outage: another tale of saturation and resilience (surfingcomplexity.blog)
247. 基于选择的游戏中的标准模式(2015) ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Standard patterns in choice-based games (2015) (heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com)
248. 是时候放弃货物崇拜的隐喻了 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-13 It''s time to abandon the cargo cult metaphor (www.righto.com)
249. 如果我们有一个最好的产品工程组织,它会是什么样子? ↑ 101 HN Points 01-13 If we had the best product engineering organization, what would it look like? (www.jamesshore.com)
250. Show HN: 毁灭》(1993 年)PDF 格式 ↑ 102 HN Points #Show HN 01-13 Doom (1993) in a PDF (doompdf.pages.dev)
252. 研究发现含糖饮料与数百万心脏病和糖尿病病例有关 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Study links sugar-filled drinks to millions of heart disease and diabetes cases (bgr.com)
253. 渴望 20 年前的 "友好 "网络世界是个错误 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-12 The mistake of yearning for the ''friendly'' online world of 20 years ago (english.elpais.com)
254. Qubes 操作系统:相当安全的操作系统 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-13 Qubes OS: A reasonably secure operating system (www.qubes-os.org)
255. 从 ASCII 到 ASIC:将 donut.c 移植到微小的硅片上 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-13 From ASCII to ASIC: Porting donut.c to a tiny slice of silicon (www.a1k0n.net)
256. 我删除了我的社交媒体账户(为什么你也应该删除?) ↑ 111 HN Points 01-13 I deleted my social media accounts (and why you should too) (asylumsquare.com)
260. Uv 的杀手锏是拉入本地依赖关系 ↑ 123 HN Points 01-13 Uv''s killer feature is pulling in local dependencies (valatka.dev)
261. Mac Mini G4 - 最适合复古游戏的 "经典 "Macintosh? ↑ 100 HN Points 01-12 Mac Mini G4 – The best « classic » Macintosh for retro-gaming? (www.xtof.info)
262. 让马里布燃烧的案例》(1995 年) ↑ 102 HN Points 01-13 The Case for Letting Malibu Burn (1995) (longreads.com)
263. 我在 Linux 控制台工作了 18 年 ↑ 108 HN Points 01-12 I spent 18 years in the Linux console (eugene-andrienko.com)
264. HMD Key - 轻便、经济实惠的智能手机 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-12 HMD Key – A lightweight, affordable smartphone (www.hmd.com)
266. 除性能外,Rust 还有其他优点 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-13 Great things about Rust that aren''t just performance (ntietz.com)
268. 背道而驰的后门--又一个 20 美元的域名,更多的政府 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-13 Backdooring Your Backdoors – Another 20 Domain, More Governments (labs.watchtowr.com)
269. 坏苹果,但我在 Vim 中搜索了 6 500 个 regexes ↑ 129 HN Points 01-12 Bad Apple but it''s 6,500 regexes that I search for in Vim (eieio.games)
270. 作为澳大利亚人为美国公司工作的感受 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-12 What it''s like working for American companies as an Australian (www.seangoedecke.com)
271. 穆伦维格关闭 WordPress 可持续发展团队,引发反弹 ↑ 111 HN Points 01-12 Mullenweg Shuts Down WordPress Sustainability Team, Igniting Backlash (www.therepository.email)
272. 扎克伯格批准在 LibGen 上训练 Llama [pdf] ↑ 104 HN Points 01-12 Zuckerberg approved training Llama on LibGen [pdf] (storage.courtlistener.com)
273. 加利福尼亚州自行车道路地图(1895 年) ↑ 102 HN Points 01-12 Map of California roads for cyclers (1895) (www.loc.gov)
274. 人工智能创始人将吸取惨痛教训 ↑ 129 HN Points 01-12 AI founders will learn The Bitter Lesson (lukaspetersson.com)
278. 查塔姆大厦规则突然在湾区无处不在 ↑ 102 HN Points 01-12 Chatham House Rule is suddenly everywhere in the Bay Area (sfstandard.com)
279. 最黑暗和最晴朗的天空面临工业大项目的风险 ↑ 106 HN Points 01-12 Darkest and clearest skies at risk from industrial megaproject (www.eso.org)
283. Adobe Lightroom 的 AI 移除功能为飞行中的鸟类照片添加了一枚比特币 ↑ 117 HN Points 01-12 Adobe Lightroom''s AI Remove feature added a Bitcoin to bird in flight photo (bsky.app)
284. Show HN: 3D 地形模拟,用于远足、滑雪等。 ↑ 101 HN Points #Show HN 01-11 3D Terrain simulation for hiking, skiing etc. (github.com)
288. 马特-穆伦维格停用了计划分叉的贡献者的 WordPress 账户 ↑ 107 HN Points 01-12 Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork (techcrunch.com)
289. 嗜睡症很奇怪,但我没注意到 ↑ 101 HN Points 01-10 Narcolepsy is weird but I didn''t notice (www.fortressofdoors.com)
290. 英格丽德-道别奇斯荣获国家科学奖 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-11 Ingrid Daubechies Awarded National Medal of Science (today.duke.edu)
291. Show HN: TypeScript/React/Vue 窗口布局管理器(标签、浮动、弹出) ↑ 105 HN Points #Show HN 01-11 TypeScript/React/Vue Window Layout Manager (Tabs, Floating, Popouts) (github.com)
292. PrivTracker - 面向所有人的私有 BitTorrent 跟踪器 ↑ 103 HN Points 01-11 PrivTracker – Private BitTorrent tracker for everyone (privtracker.com)
295. 通过 Go/TinyGo 中的 Apple FindMy 网络追踪设备 ↑ 100 HN Points 01-11 Track your devices via Apple FindMy network in Go/TinyGo (github.com)
296. Ask HN: 如何面对高级工程师新工作的第一天? ↑ 100 HN Points #Ask HN 01-10 How to approach first days on a new job as a senior engineer? (news.ycombinator.com)
297. 几乎所有二进制搜索和合并排序都被破解(2006 年) ↑ 105 HN Points 01-11 Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts Are Broken (2006) (research.google)