1. 我开了 300 英里,然后要求警方把我的汽车监控录像发给我。 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
2. 东南亚发生 7.7 级地震,缅甸和泰国受到影响 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast Asia, affecting Myanmar and Thailand (twitter.com)
3. 美国国家航空航天局删除关于女性如何成为宇航员的漫画书 NASA Deletes Comic Book About How Women Can Be Astronauts (futurism.com)
6. 巨型真菌类生物可能是完全未知的生命分支 Giant, fungus-like organism may be a completely unknown branch of life (www.livescience.com)
8. 反编译和移植用 C 语言编写的 GameBoy Advance 游戏 Sonic Advance 2 A decompilation and port of Sonic Advance 2-a GameBoy Advance game written in C (github.com)
9. 使用 uv 和 PEP 723 编写自包含的 Python 脚本 Using uv and PEP 723 for Self-Contained Python Scripts (thisdavej.com)
11. 由于用户希望避免订阅费用,LibreOffice 的下载量呈上升趋势 LibreOffice downloads on the rise as users look to avoid subscription costs (www.computerworld.com)
12. 提出好问题比给出好答案更难 Asking good questions is harder than giving great answers (newsletter.dancohen.org)
13. 在建造自动路由器之前,我会告诉自己的事情 Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (blog.autorouting.com)
14. 关于微软鼠标设备附带的 USB 转 PS/2 鼠标适配器的说明 A note on the USB-to-PS/2 mouse adapter that came with Microsoft mouse devices (devblogs.microsoft.com)
17. 我真的不明白为什么有些人仍然看好法律硕士。 I genuinely don''t understand why some people are still bullish about LLMs (twitter.com)
20. 缩放偏差:视频会议中 "尖锐 "声音的社会成本 Zoom bias: The social costs of having a ''tinny'' sound during video conferences (phys.org)
21. 如何使用 Em 破折号 (-)、En 破折号 (-) 和连字符 (-) How to Use Em Dashes (–), En Dashes (–), and Hyphens (-) (www.merriam-webster.com)
23. SignalGate 使 Signal 在美国的下载量达到历史最高水平 SignalGate Is Driving the Most US Downloads of Signal Ever (www.wired.com)
27. 加州法案旨在逐步淘汰学校中有害的超加工食品 California bill aims to phase out harmful ultra-processed foods in schools (www.thenewlede.org)
31. 除非政治家惧怕现状,否则富裕不会发生 Abundance Isn''t Going to Happen Unless Politicians Are Scared of the Status Quo (inpractice.yimbyaction.org)
32. Launch HN: 继续 (YC S23) - 创建自定义人工智能代码助手 Continue (YC S23) – Create custom AI code assistants (hub.continue.dev)
34. 一位电影制片人和一位奸诈律师打破了丹麦的自我形象 A filmmaker and a crooked lawyer shattered Denmark''s self-image (www.theguardian.com)
35. 爆破 WebP Blasting Past WebP - An analysis of the NSO BLASTPASS iMessage exploit (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
36. 他们可能是巨人》洪水 EPK 宣传片(1990 年)[视频] They Might Be Giants Flood EPK Promo (1990) [video] (www.youtube.com)
37. 火狐浏览器终于(重新)增加了对网络应用程序的支持 Firefox Is Finally (Re)Adding Support for Web Apps (www.omgubuntu.co.uk)
43. DJ With Apple Music 推出,用户可自行混音 DJ With Apple Music launches to enable subscribers to mix their own sets (www.musicweek.com)
44. 构建一个由 Firecracker 驱动的课程平台来学习 Docker 和 Kubernetes Building a Firecracker-Powered Course Platform to Learn Docker and Kubernetes (iximiuz.com)
50. 蒙面国土安全人员绑架塔夫茨大学外国研究生 Masked homeland security abducting foreign graduate student from Tufts (apnews.com)
54. 甲骨文客户确认在所谓云计算漏洞中被盗的数据有效 Oracle customers confirm data stolen in alleged cloud breach is valid (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
56. 谷歌将 Android 开发私有化,并将继续发布开源版本 Google makes Android development private, will continue open source releases (arstechnica.com)
58. 塔夫茨大学学生视频显示蒙面特工逮捕 Rumeysa Ozturk Tufts student: Video shows masked agents arresting Rumeysa Ozturk (www.bostonglobe.com)
59. 博茨瓦纳成功发射首颗卫星 Botsat-1 Botswana Successfully Launches First Satellite, Botsat-1 (spaceinafrica.com)
61. 在故宫博物院发现用反向外壳感染本地软件包的恶意软件 Malware found on NPM infecting local package with reverse shell (www.reversinglabs.com)
62. 谷歌将从下周起闭门开发安卓操作系统 Google will develop Android OS behind closed doors starting next week (9to5google.com)
65. 加拿大与美国之间的航空需求骤减,降幅超过 70 Airline Demand Between Canada and United States Collapses, Down 70% (onemileatatime.com)
66. 微软研究:人工智能让人类认知 "萎靡不振、毫无准备" Microsoft Study: AI Makes Human Cognition "Atrophied and Unprepared" (www.404media.co)
68. Linux 内核 6.14 在性能和 Windows 兼容性方面实现了巨大飞跃 Linux kernel 6.14 is a big leap forward in performance and Windows compatibility (www.zdnet.com)
71. Hyperlight WASM:快速、安全、无操作系统 Hyperlight WASM: Fast, secure, and OS-free (opensource.microsoft.com)
72. 以下是特朗普的顾问们在信号中分享的攻击计划 Here are the Attack Plans That Trump''s Advisers Shared on Signal (www.theatlantic.com)
74. 双子座 2.5 Pro 提出任务可行性的理由 Gemini 2.5 Pro reasons about task feasibility (everything.intellectronica.net)
76. 记录显示,DOGE 工作人员 "大球 "为网络犯罪团伙提供技术支持 DOGE staffer,''Big Balls'', provided tech support to cybercrime ring, records show (www.reuters.com)
80. 用 Elixir 协调超级彩虹的视觉保真度 Coordinating the Superbowl''s visual fidelity with Elixir (elixir-lang.org)
82. 中情局局长披露在中情局计算机上安装了信号软件 CIA Director Reveals Signal Comes Installed on Agency Computers (theintercept.com)
86. 开发人员称人工智能爬虫主导流量,迫使整个国家受阻 Devs say AI crawlers dominate traffic, forcing blocks on entire countries (arstechnica.com)
90. 在监狱里没有律师:得克萨斯州的一个小镇如何辜负贫困被告 In Jail Without a Lawyer: How a Texas Town Fails Poor Defendants (www.nytimes.com)
92. 如果有机会,一定要多铺设一些网络光纤电缆 If you get the chance, always run more extra network fiber cabling (utcc.utoronto.ca)
93. 一个狡猾的网络钓鱼者抢走了我的 Mailchimp 邮件列表 A Sneaky Phish Just Grabbed My Mailchimp Mailing List (www.troyhunt.com)
94. 开源 OpenPubkey SSH (OPKSSH):将单点登录与 SSH 集成在一起 Open-sourcing OpenPubkey SSH (OPKSSH): integrating single sign-on with SSH (blog.cloudflare.com)
98. 门廊咖啡:一个简单的想法如何改变我的街区 Stoop Coffee: How a Simple Idea Transformed My Neighborhood (supernuclear.substack.com)
101. X 的工程总监 Haofei Wang 已离开公司 X’s director of engineering, Haofei Wang, has left the company (www.theverge.com)
107. 特斯拉在欧洲的交付量下降了 43%,而电动汽车却增长了 31 Tesla deliveries down 43% in Europe while EVs are up 31% (electrek.co)
109. 垃圾邮件发送者比其他人更擅长 SPF、DKIM 和 DMARC Spammers are better at SPF, DKIM, and DMARC than everyone else (toad.social)
110. 三百年后,牛顿的工具得到更新 Three Hundred Years Later, a Tool from Isaac Newton Gets an Update (www.quantamagazine.org)
111. 搜索我的网站 - 面向个人和独立网站的开源搜索引擎 Search My Site – open-source search engine for personal and independent websites (searchmysite.net)
114. Show HN: 我是一名教师,创建了一个人工智能演示工具 I''m a teacher and built an AI presentation tool (news.ycombinator.com)
115. 杰弗里-戈德堡谈被特朗普政府加入群聊 Jeffrey Goldberg on being added to the group chat by Trump Administration (www.theatlantic.com)
119. Osgint - 用于查找 GitHub 用户信息的 OSINT 工具 Osgint – OSINT tool to find information about GitHub user (github.com)
121. 欧洲互联网档案馆--让藏品 "活 "起来 Internet Archive Europe – Bringing Collections to Life (www.internetarchive.eu)
123. 掌握 Delphi 5 2025》注释版现已完成 Mastering Delphi 5 2025 Annotated Edition Is Now Complete (blog.marcocantu.com)
128. 特朗普政府意外给我发来战争计划短信 The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans (www.theatlantic.com)
130. Goblin.tools:帮助神经变异者完成任务的简单、单一任务工具 Goblin.tools: simple, single-task tools to help neurodivergent people with tasks (goblin.tools)
131. Shift-to-Middle Array:Std:Deque 的更快替代品? Shift-to-Middle Array: A Faster Alternative to Std:Deque? (github.com)
132. 惠普在集体诉讼和解中避免因打印机 "死机 "赔偿损失 HP avoids monetary damages over bricked printers in class-action settlement (arstechnica.com)
134. 日本科学家利用干细胞疗法恢复脊柱损伤患者的运动能力 Japanese scientists use stem cell treatment to restore movement in spinal injury (medicalxpress.com)
140. 世界主要洗钱网络之一如何运作 How one of the world’s major money laundering networks operates (www.nytimes.com)
141. 数百万人正在访问 "欧洲替代方案 "网站--我们看到了哪些趋势? Millions are visiting the European Alternatives site––what trends are we seeing? (plausible.io)
142. 63 道中国菜:完全指南 63 Chinese Cuisines: The Complete Guide (2024) (chinesecookingdemystified.substack.com)
144. DNA 检测公司 23andMe 申请破产以出售自身 DNA testing firm 23andMe files for bankruptcy to sell itself (www.reuters.com)
146. 英国科学家开发出适用于台式机的快速、高质量人工智能天气模型 English Scientists Develop Fast, High-Quality AI Weather Model for Desktops (www.turing.ac.uk)
149. Show HN: 我练习视读的 iOS 应用程序(已在 App Store 上架 10 年) My iOS app to practice sight reading (10 years in the App Store) (apps.apple.com)
151. 让多个线程进入一个代码块的关键部分的情况 The case of the critical section that let multiple threads enter a block of code (devblogs.microsoft.com)
160. 大多数人工智能的价值将来自广泛的自动化,而非研发 Most AI value will come from broad automation, not from R & D (epoch.ai)
162. Show HN: 我们制作了一个 MCP 服务器,这样 Cursor 就能独立调试 Node.js We made an MCP server so Cursor can debug Node.js on its own (www.npmjs.com)
163. 保罗-A-M-狄拉克,弗里德里希-亨德访谈录(1982 年)[视频] Paul A. M. Dirac, Interview by Friedrich Hund (1982) [video] (www.youtube.com)
166. 理解 R1-Zero-Like 训练:批判性视角 Understanding R1-Zero-Like Training: A Critical Perspective (github.com)
167. Next.js 15.2.3 版已发布,以解决一个安全漏洞 Next.js version 15.2.3 has been released to address a security vulnerability (nextjs.org)
168. 微分几何学:曲线与曲面第一课 [pdf] Differential Geometry: A First Course in Curves and Surfaces [pdf] (math.franklin.uga.edu)
169. 意大利要求谷歌根据严格的《盗版保护法》毒化 DNS Italy demands Google poison DNS under strict Piracy Shield law (arstechnica.com)
170. NixOS 和可重现的构建本可检测到 xz 后门 NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoor (luj.fr)
171. Show HN: FastOpenAPI - 许多 Python 框架的自动化文档 FastOpenAPI – automated docs for many Python frameworks (github.com)
174. 腾讯 "浑源-T1"--首款搭载曼巴动力的超大车型 Tencent''s ''Hunyuan-T1''–The First Mamba-Powered Ultra-Large Model (llm.hunyuan.tencent.com)
177. 利用计算机视觉识别 OpenStreetMap 中的地图特征 Map Features in OpenStreetMap with Computer Vision (blog.mozilla.ai)
178. 经过法律斗争,Facebook 将停止针对英国女性的广告投放 Facebook to stop targeting ads at UK woman after legal fight (www.bbc.co.uk)
179. 当您在 Linux 上删除 /lib 时仍通过 SSH 进行连接 (2022) When you deleted /lib on Linux while still connected via SSH (2022) (tinyhack.com)
180. 加州总检察长罗布-邦塔紧急发布 23andMe 客户消费警示 California AG Rob Bonta Urgently Issues Consumer Alert for 23andMe Customers (oag.ca.gov)
181. 亚马逊希望宣布产品安全监管机构违宪 Amazon wants a product safety regulator declared unconstitutional (www.washingtonpost.com)
182. Landrun:使用 Landlock 对任何 Linux 进程进行沙盒运行,无需 root 或容器 Landrun: Sandbox any Linux process using Landlock, no root or containers (github.com)
184. MySQL 每秒交易次数与每秒同步次数对比(2020 年) MySQL transactions per second vs. fsyncs per second (2020) (sirupsen.com)
185. 古代 DNA 表明石器时代的欧洲人曾从海上远航非洲 Ancient DNA Shows Stone Age Europeans Voyaged by Sea to Africa (www.nature.com)
186. 凯尔特人:伊恩-斯图尔特著《凯尔特人:现代史》评论 ‘The Celts: A Modern History’ by Ian Stewart Review (www.historytoday.com)
188. 利用内容分块对文件备份服务进行分块攻击 [pdf] Chunking Attacks on File Backup Services Using Content-Defined Chunking [pdf] (www.daemonology.net)
189. Mathup:简单的 MathML 创作工具,可快速编写语法 Mathup: Easy MathML authoring tool with a quick to write syntax (mathup.xyz)
191. 不合格的丘比特--一个电子邮件地址验证不力的故事 Not OK Cupid – A story of poor email address validation (www.fastmail.com)
193. 拳击手乔治-福尔曼(George Foreman)转行成为福尔曼烧烤广告明星,享年 76 岁 George Foreman, Boxer Turned Foreman Grill Infomercial Star, Dies at 76 (variety.com)
194. 怪物电缆选错了威胁对象(2008 年) Monster Cables picked the wrong guy to threaten (2008) (www.oncontracts.com)
197. 波士顿动力公司展示仿人移动技术的又一次重大飞跃 Boston Dynamics shows off another major leap in humanoid mobility (newatlas.com)
206. Show HN: 火炬透镜制作器 - PyTorch 中的可微分几何光学器件 Torch Lens Maker – Differentiable Geometric Optics in PyTorch (victorpoughon.github.io)
207. IronRDP:微软 RDP 协议的 Rust 实现 IronRDP: a Rust implementation of Microsoft''s RDP protocol (github.com)
210. 伦敦希思罗机场因停电宣布全面关闭 London''s Heathrow Airport announces complete shutdown due to power outage (www.cnn.com)
211. Notetime:一切都有时间戳的简约笔记 Notetime: Minimalistic notes where everything is timestamped (www.notetimeapp.com)
212. 试想一下,如果告诉 2010 年的开发人员,2025 年,折叠 div 需要 8 美元/月的费用 Imagine telling 2010 devs that in 2025, collapsing a div would require 8/ month (old.reddit.com)
213. 职业发展:成为经理、总监或副总裁意味着什么(2015 年) Career Development: What It Means to Be a Manager, Director, or VP (2015) (kellblog.com)
214. 联邦调查局扣押了这位女士一生的积蓄,却没有告诉她原因 The FBI Seized This Woman''s Life Savings–Without Telling Her Why (reason.com)
217. 德国在三名公民被拘留后加强对美国的旅行建议 Germany tightens travel advice to US after three citizens detained (www.euronews.com)
218. 韩国警卫队长在实施戒严令前咨询 ChatGPT The head of South Korea''s guard consulted ChatGPT before martial law was imposed (www.hani.co.kr)
220. Grease:揭示二进制代码中隐藏漏洞的开源工具 Grease: An Open-Source Tool for Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Binary Code (www.galois.com)
221. ChatGPT 因诽谤性幻觉遭到隐私权投诉 ChatGPT hit with privacy complaint over defamatory hallucinations (techcrunch.com)
224. Retro Boy:用 Rust 编写的简单游戏男孩模拟器,可在网络上运行 Retro Boy: simple Game Boy emulator written in Rust, can be played on the web (github.com)
225. 谷歌称 Gemma 3 是能在一个 GPU 上运行的最强大的人工智能模型 Google calls Gemma 3 the most powerful AI model you can run on one GPU (www.theverge.com)
226. Show HN: 我建立了一个 MCP 服务器,这样克劳德就可以玩扫雷了 I built a MCP server so Claude can play Minesweeper (github.com)
228. 暗示 "暗能量并非天文学家所想的那样 ''More than a hint'' that dark energy isn''t what astronomers thought (www.nytimes.com)
230. Doge 致被解雇的 CISA 员工:将您的个人资料通过电子邮件发送给我们 Doge to Fired CISA Staff: Email Us Your Personal Data (krebsonsecurity.com)
231. cve-2024-54471:MacOS 上的密码泄露(以及更多!)问题 CVE-2024-54471: Leaking Passwords (and More!) on macOS (wts.dev)
232. 法国政府称法国科学家被拒绝入境美国 French scientist denied entry into the U.S., French government says (www.reuters.com)
234. 特斯拉因外饰板问题召回 46,000 多辆 Cybertrucks Tesla to recall more than 46,000 Cybertrucks due to exterior panel issue (www.cnn.com)
235. 加拿大考虑对从美国通往阿拉斯加的公路收费 Canada considering charging for road access from USA to Alaska (washingtonstatestandard.com)
243. 欧盟首次向苹果公司发送应用程序和设备的 DMA 互操作性指令 EU sends Apple first DMA interoperability instructions for apps and devices (techcrunch.com)
244. Ask HN: 您害怕去美国参加科技会议吗? Are you afraid to travel to US to tech conferences? (news.ycombinator.com)
249. Austral:具有线性类型和功能的系统语言 Austral: A Systems Language with Linear Types and Capabilities (2022) (borretti.me)
250. 荷兰议会:是时候放弃美国技术,选择本土技术了 Dutch Parliament: Time to ditch US tech for homegrown options (www.theregister.com)
253. 苹果公司被欧盟反垄断监管机构勒令向竞争对手开放 Apple ordered by EU antitrust regulators to open up to rivals (www.reuters.com)
254. 浑源 3D-2-Turbo:在 4090 上 1 秒内快速生成高质量形状 Hunyuan3D-2-Turbo: fast high-quality shape generation in 1s on a 4090 (github.com)
255. 法国研究人员因对特朗普政府发表个人观点而被拒绝入境 French researcher denied entry for a personal opinion on Trump administration (www.lemonde.fr)
256. Launch HN: Modernbanc (YC W20) - 现代化的快速会计软件 Modernbanc (YC W20) – Modern and fast accounting software (news.ycombinator.com)
258. 除非使用人工智能,否则 Stripe 会额外收取 15 美元的争议费。 Stripe adds yet another additional 15 dispute fee, unless you use their AI (twitter.com)
259. 我是如何接受自己参加加拿大最大的人工智能黑客马拉松的 How I accepted myself into Canada''s largest AI hackathon (fastcall.dev)
260. DESI开放迄今为止最大的宇宙三维地图的访问权限 DESI Opens Access to the Largest 3D Map of the Universe Yet (newscenter.lbl.gov)
261. 改变游戏规则的科幻 Larp《奥德修斯》背后的集体抱负 The Collective Ambition Behind Odysseus, a Game-Changing Sci-Fi Larp (mssv.net)
268. LLM 代理就是简单的图形 - 傻瓜教程 LLM Agents Are Simply Graph – Tutorial for Dummies (zacharyhuang.substack.com)
271. 谷歌将支付 2800 万美元解决偏袒白人和亚裔员工的指控 Google to pay 28M to settle claims it favoured white and Asian employees (www.theguardian.com)
275. 供应限制无法解释美国各城市房价和数量增长的原因 Supply constraints do not explain house price, quantity growth across US cities (www.nber.org)
276. 人工智能盲点--我在人工智能编码时注意到的 LLM 盲点 AI Blindspots – Blindspots in LLMs I''ve noticed while AI coding (ezyang.github.io)
278. 互联网贫民窟:放弃互联网是下一件大事吗?(2004) The Intenet Slum: is abandoning the Internet the next big thing? (2004) (www.fourmilab.ch)
279. CVE-2024-9956 - 在所有移动浏览器中接管 PassKey 帐户 CVE-2024-9956 – PassKey Account Takeover in All Mobile Browsers (mastersplinter.work)
280. 苹果因德国反垄断打击而在最高法院败诉 Apple Loses Top Court Fight Over German Antitrust Crackdown (www.bloomberg.com)
282. 北美电子游戏工人现在有了全行业工会 Video game workers in North America now have an industry-wide union (www.engadget.com)
283. Konva.js - 适用于 React、Vue 和 Svelte 的声明式 2D 画布 Konva.js - Declarative 2D Canvas for React, Vue, and Svelte (konvajs.org)
285. fd:简单、快速、用户友好的 "查找 "替代工具 fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to ''find'' (github.com)
286. 中国电动汽车主导全球市场,特斯拉失去优势 Tesla loses ground as Chinese EVs dominate global markets (restofworld.org)
287. 我是如何保持工作动力的? How I Stay Motivated Working on My Solo SaaS (When It Feels Like Nobody Cares) (news.ycombinator.com)
288. 我是被移民及海关执法局拘留两周的加拿大人 I''m the Canadian who was detained by ICE for two weeks (www.theguardian.com)
291. Nvidia Dynamo:数据中心规模的分布式推理服务框架 Nvidia Dynamo: A Datacenter Scale Distributed Inference Serving Framework (github.com)
294. Show HN: "Git who"--用于工业规模 Git 指责的新 CLI 工具 "Git who" – A new CLI tool for industrial-scale Git blaming (github.com)
296. 这是一场抢劫真正的联邦审计员被窦娥吓坏了 ''It''s a Heist'': Real Federal Auditors Are Horrified by Doge (www.wired.com)
299. 土耳其大学取消埃尔多安竞争对手的学位,阻止其竞选总统 Turkish university annuls Erdogan rival''s degree, preventing run for president (www.reuters.com)
300. Ask HN: 重建心理健康后如何摆脱无家可归的困境? How Do I Escape Homelessness After Rebuilding My Mental Health? (news.ycombinator.com)