5. Linux开发人员在开发视频流中被现场拍打并戴上手铐 Linux dev swatted and handcuffed live during a development video stream (www.tomshardware.com)
6. Ask HN: 曾经的天才儿童生活艰难,你们的结果如何? Former gifted children with hard lives, how did you turn out? (news.ycombinator.com)
8. 比特币之谜 #66 已解开:提取了 6.6 BTC(约 40 万美元 Bitcoin puzzle #66 was solved: 6.6 BTC (~$400k) withdrawn (www.blockchain.com)
19. Show HN: Wordllama - 使用 LLM 的标记嵌入可以做的事情 Wordllama – Things you can do with the token embeddings of an LLM (github.com)
20. 十二人因暴力入室抢劫盗窃加密货币被判刑 Twelve Sentenced for Violent Home Invasion Robberies to Steal Cryptocurrency (www.justice.gov)
23. 拉扎罗斯集团从 25 次加密货币黑客攻击中洗钱 2 亿美元,并将其转为法币 Lazarus Group laundered $200M from 25 crypto hacks to fiat (zachxbt.mirror.xyz)
27. 每五篇遗传学论文中就有一篇存在错误,这要归功于 Microsoft Excel(2016 年) One in five genetics papers contains errors thanks to Microsoft Excel (2016) (www.science.org)
36. 欺骗的程度:美国大学如何成为债务工厂 Degrees of deception: How America's universities became debt factories (anandsanwal.me)
37. 从 Redis 分叉 6 个月后,Valkey 实现了 100 万 RPS Valkey achieved one million RPS 6 months after forking from Redis (valkey.io)
38. 关于人类极度衰老的数据从里到外都腐朽不堪 The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out (theconversation.com)
39. 从 iOS 18 开始,被盗 iPhone 将变得更加无用 Stolen iPhones Will Be Even More Useless from iOS 18 Onwards (www.macobserver.com)
40. Show HN: Meet.hn - 认识您所在城市的创客新闻社区 Meet.hn – Meet the Hacker News community in your city (news.ycombinator.com)
42. 美国瞄准电子商务集团特姆和申银使用的贸易漏洞 US targets trade loophole used by ecommerce groups Temu and Shein (www.ft.com)
43. 圣剑传说:提高注意力的沉浸式体验 The Legend of Holy Sword: An Immersive Experience for Concentration Enhancement (arxiv.org)
48. 我的 71 TiB ZFS NAS 十年后硬盘零故障 My 71 TiB ZFS NAS After 10 Years and Zero Drive Failures (louwrentius.com)
50. 珍妮特-杰克逊有让笔记本电脑崩溃的能力(2022年) Janet Jackson had the power to crash laptop computers (2022) (devblogs.microsoft.com)
51. CrowdStrike 前员工:质量控制不是我们工作流程的一部分 CrowdStrike ex-employees: 'Quality control was not part of our process' (www.semafor.com)
52. Pinboard 书签服务的末日已经来临 The End Times have come for the Pinboard bookmarking service (notes.kateva.org)
53. 利用 10 gbps 网络加密技术抵御吸血鬼 Defend against vampires with 10 gbps network encryption (www.synacktiv.com)
55. OpenAI 威胁撤销 o1 的访问权限,因为它询问了 o1 的思维链 OpenAI threatens to revoke o1 access for asking it about its chain of thought (twitter.com)
56. 如何发现美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的太阳帆演示在夜空中闪烁 How to Spot NASA's Solar Sail Demonstration Streaking Through the Night Sky (www.smithsonianmag.com)
57. 自 2007 年以来,Meta 将成年人公开发布的所有信息都输入了人工智能 Meta fed its AI on everything adults have publicly posted since 2007 (www.theverge.com)
58. 零点击日历邀请 - macOS 中的关键零点击漏洞链 Zero-Click Calendar invite – Critical zero-click vulnerability chain in macOS (mikko-kenttala.medium.com)
61. Show HN: FlowTracker - 跟踪 Java 程序中的数据流 FlowTracker – Track data flowing through Java programs (github.com)
63. 性能更好的 "25519 "椭圆曲线加密技术 Better-performing “25519” elliptic-curve cryptography (www.amazon.science)
65. 据报道,游戏发行商 Annapurna Interactive 的全体员工已辞职 Entire staff of game publisher Annapurna Interactive has reportedly resigned (www.theverge.com)
67. 波音工人投票决定罢工,陷入困境的公司大败而归 Boeing workers vote to strike in resounding defeat for troubled company (www.washingtonpost.com)
70. 线性、对称、自选择 14 位分子忆阻器 (2023) Linear, symmetric, self-selecting 14-bit molecular memristors (2023) (www.researchgate.net)
72. 发现科研不端行为的数据侦探被判诽谤罪名成立 Data sleuths who spotted research misconduct cleared of defamation (arstechnica.com)
74. 古老的复活节岛基因组没有显示人口崩溃的迹象 Old Easter Island genomes show no sign of a population collapse (arstechnica.com)
75. 1913:当希特勒、托洛茨基、铁托、弗洛伊德和斯大林住在同一个地方时 1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place (www.bbc.com)
80. GAZEploit:通过 VR/MR 设备中的注视估计进行远程按键推理攻击 GAZEploit: Remote keystroke inference attack by gaze estimation in VR/MR devices (www.wired.com)
81. Show HN: iFixit 创建了一种新的 USB-C 可修复焊接系统 iFixit created a new USB-C, repairable soldering system (hackaday.com)
82. SpaceX 宇航员开始太空行走,测试新太空服 SpaceX Astronauts Begin Spacewalk, Putting New Spacesuits to Test (www.wsj.com)
83. 柯尔莫哥洛夫-阿诺德网络可能使神经网络更容易理解 Kolmogorov-Arnold networks may make neural networks more understandable (www.quantamagazine.org)
85. 无视纽约市警察局 "礼遇卡 "的警官获赔 17.5 万美元 Officer who ignored NYPD's 'courtesy cards' receives $175K settlement (apnews.com)
88. Reader-LM:用于清除 HTML 并将其转换为 Markdown 的小型语言模型 Reader-LM: Small Language Models for Cleaning and Converting HTML to Markdown (jina.ai)
89. 美国国家航空航天局完成巧妙的推进器交换,使旅行者 1 号任务得以继续 NASA Pulls Off Delicate Thruster Swap, Keeping Voyager 1 Mission Alive (gizmodo.com)
90. 乌拉圭一家公司教人们如何将普通汽车变为电动汽车 A Uruguayan company teaches people how to turn regular cars into EVs (restofworld.org)
91. Show HN: Konty - 适用于现代应用程序的 Balsamiq 另类低成本线框工具 Konty – A Balsamiq-alternative lo-fi wireframe tool for modern apps (konty.app)
92. Feeld 交友应用程序 - 您的裸体和数据已被公开 Feeld dating app – Your nudes and data were publicly available (fortbridge.co.uk)
95. 我的名片可以运行 Linux(和 Ultrix),你的名片也可以 My business card runs Linux (and Ultrix), yours can too (dmitry.gr)
98. 肯尼亚的 Uber 司机无视应用程序,自行收费 Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates (restofworld.org)
99. Mistral 发布首款多模态模型 Pixtral 12B Mistral releases Pixtral 12B, its first multimodal model (techcrunch.com)
104. Rails 上的 SQLite:优化性能的方法和原因 SQLite on Rails: The how and why of optimal performance (fractaledmind.github.io)
107. 科学家利用磁性纳米技术安全预热用于移植的冷冻组织 Scientists use magnetic nanotech to safely rewarm frozen tissues for transplant (phys.org)
115. 在图形中寻找循环的所有方法都可能是错误的 Possibly all the ways to get loop-finding in graphs wrong (www.chiark.greenend.org.uk)
116. 我们花了 20 美元实现 RCE,却意外成为 .MOBI 的管理员 We spent $20 to achieve RCE and accidentally became the admins of .mobi (labs.watchtowr.com)
121. Radicle 1.0 - GitHub 的本地优先、P2P 替代方案 Radicle 1.0 – A Local-First, P2P Alternative to GitHub (radicle.xyz)
132. Flipper Zero 获得重大固件更新,可窃听对讲机内容 Flipper Zero Gets Major Firmware Update, Can Eavesdrop on Walkie-Talkies (www.pcmag.com)
137. Show HN: RSS 源搜索器 Free tool to find RSS feeds, even if not linked on the page (news.ycombinator.com)
143. Show HN: YourNextStore - 以 Stripe 为后台的开源 Shopify YourNextStore – an open-source Shopify with Stripe as the back end (github.com)
146. Google Illuminate:将书籍和论文转化为音频内容 Google Illuminate: Books and Papers turned into audio content (illuminate.google.com)
147. 我们正处于人工智能的蛮力阶段--一旦结束,对 GPU 的需求也将结束 We're in the brute force phase of AI – once it ends, demand for GPUs will too (www.theregister.com)
148. 艰苦奋斗的好日子:一次节省 1%的计算成本 A good day to trie-hard: saving compute 1% at a time (blog.cloudflare.com)
150. 福特正在为聆听驾驶员对话以提供广告服务的技术申请专利 Ford seeks patent for tech that listens to driver conversations to serve ads (therecord.media)
151. 经济实惠的 DE10-Nano 兼容板,用于 MiSTer FPGA 复古平台 Affordable DE10-Nano compatible boards for MiSTer FPGA retro platform (www.retrorgb.com)
152. 输血:用一个多模态模型预测下一个标记和扩散图像 Transfusion: Predict the next token and diffuse images with one multimodal model (www.arxiv.org)
153. 技术 苹果在爱尔兰 130 亿欧元税款的欧盟法庭诉讼中败诉 Tech Apple loses EU court battle over 13B euro tax bill in Ireland (www.cnbc.com)
154. Sigrok - 便携式、跨平台、FOSS 信号分析软件套件 Sigrok – a portable, cross-platform, FOSS signal analysis software suite (sigrok.org)
156. 我为什么用 Python 写《犯罪分析数据科学》(2023) Why I Wrote Data Science for Crime Analysis with Python (2023) (crimede-coder.com)
158. 美国司法部称谷歌在广告技术审判首日拥有 "垄断三要素 DOJ claims Google has "trifecta of monopolies" on Day 1 of ad tech trial (arstechnica.com)
163. 花 75 亿美元就能清理太平洋大垃圾带 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Can Be Cleaned for $7.5B (theoceancleanup.com)
166. 全球生活条件简史以及我们了解它的重要原因 The short history of global living conditions and why it matters that we know it (ourworldindata.org)
167. 美国联邦贸易委员会推动打击通过软件更新毁坏硬件的公司 FTC Pushed to Crack Down on Companies That Ruin Hardware via Software Updates (www.techdirt.com)
170. 功率提高 20% 的过氧化物太阳能电池板投入商业使用 20% more powerful perovskite solar panels enter commercial use (www.oxfordpv.com)
171. 黑客入侵配置错误的 AWS S3 buckets:完整指南 Hacking misconfigured AWS S3 buckets: A complete guide (blog.intigriti.com)
174. Launch HN: 深硅 (YC S24) - 用于三元变压器的软件和硬件 Deepsilicon (YC S24) – Software and hardware for ternary transformers (news.ycombinator.com)
175. 欧洲将结束 "薪资保密":2026 年前公开员工工资 Europe to End "Salary Secrecy": Employee Salaries to Become Public by 2026 (fikku.com)
177. AirPods Pro 2 新增 "临床级 "助听功能 AirPods Pro 2 adds 'clinical grade' hearing aid feature (9to5mac.com)
179. 研究表明,人们对人工智能生死决策的信任程度 "令人震惊 Study shows 'alarming' level of trust in AI for life and death decisions (www.theengineer.co.uk)
181. 哈默项目:减少加拿大食品杂货行业的合谋行为 Project Hammer: reduce collusion in the Canadian grocery sector (jacobfilipp.com)
183. 合成钻石现在比开采的钻石更纯、更美、更便宜 Synthetic diamonds are now purer, more beautiful, and cheaper than mined (worksinprogress.co)
185. 哪些开源项目被广泛使用,但仅由少数人维护? Which open-source projects are widely used but maintained by just a few people? (news.ycombinator.com)
187. ESPN 人工智能生成的退役球员最后一场比赛回顾没有提及他们 ESPN AI-generated recap of retiring player's final match fails to mention them (awfulannouncing.com)
193. 已确认:Reflection 70B 的官方 API 是 Sonnet 3.5 的封装程序 Confirmed: Reflection 70B's official API is a wrapper for Sonnet 3.5 (old.reddit.com)
195. 睡眠时间、时间类型、健康和生活方式因素对认知的影响 [pdf] Sleep duration, chronotype, health and lifestyle factors affect cognition [pdf] (bmjpublichealth.bmj.com)
201. 先以大电流为锂离子电池充电,寿命可延长 50 Charging lithium-ion batteries at high currents first increases lifespan by 50% (www.eurekalert.org)
202. 随着更多法律诉讼的到来,Archive.org 还要多久才能关闭? With more legal action on the horizon, how long before Archive.org closes? (lunduke.locals.com)
203. 白宫要求各机构加强互联网路由安全工作 White House asks agencies to step up internet routing security efforts (www.reuters.com)
204. "解压缩 "二进制文件使用 Pwndbg 恢复 GDB 中的调试信息 "Unstripping" binaries: Restoring debugging information in GDB with Pwndbg (blog.trailofbits.com)
206. 乳腺癌新辅助溶瘤病毒疗法的非常规案例研究 Unconventional Case Study of Neoadjuvant Oncolytic Virotherapy for Breast Cancer (www.mdpi.com)
209. 谷歌称用 Rust 取代固件中的 C/C++ 很简单 Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy (www.theregister.com)
212. 伊恩-班克斯的肌肉想象力:你可能想要的未来 The muscular imagination of Iain M. Banks: a future you might want (www.robinsloan.com)
213. 从地下室为人工智能提供服务 - 192GB 虚拟内存设置 Serving AI from the Basement – 192GB of VRAM Setup (ahmadosman.com)
215. 具体的点击诱饵:下一次分享 spomenik 照片(2016 年) Concrete clickbait: next time you share a spomenik photo (2016) (www.new-east-archive.org)
220. FutureRack:服务器机架无处不在。现在您可以在家中找到它们 FutureRack: Server racks are everywhere. Now you can find them in your home (futurerack.info)
225. 谷歌学术上的 GPT 科技论文 GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar (misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu)
226. CitizenDJ - 利用国会图书馆的免费音频和视频制作音乐 CitizenDJ – Make music using free audio and video from the Library of Congress (citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov)
229. 哈利路亚、莱昂纳德-科恩和一位普利策获奖作家的自杀 Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer's suicide (subtledigressions.substack.com)
230. 破解旧 ZIP 文件,帮助开放非国大 "Vula "秘密密码的源代码 Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's "Vula" secret crypto code (blog.jgc.org)
233. 一种新的罕见高阶椭圆曲线,以及一个果园式二阶方程组 A new rare high-rank elliptic curve, and an orchard of Diophantine equations (thehighergeometer.wordpress.com)
242. 修复身体的权利":DIY、盗版医学的兴起 'Right to Repair for Your Body': The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine (fourthievesvinegar.org)
248. 福特获得车载窃听系统专利,可为您播放广告 Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads (www.motortrend.com)
249. Inertia.js - 利用服务器端路由构建 React、Vue 或 Svelte 应用程序 Inertia.js – Build React, Vue, or Svelte apps with server-side routing (inertiajs.com)
250. 马来西亚开始强制互联网服务提供商将 DNS 查询重定向到本地服务器 Malaysia started mandating ISPs to redirect DNS queries to local servers (thesun.my)
252. LLM 的硬件加速:全面调查与比较 Hardware Acceleration of LLMs: A comprehensive survey and comparison (arxiv.org)
253. 戈多创始人曾迫切希望 "团结 "不会 "爆炸 Godot founders had desperately hoped Unity wouldn't 'blow up' (www.gamedeveloper.com)
254. Gen AI 对高技能工作的影响:软件开发人员实验 Effects of Gen AI on High Skilled Work: Experiments with Software Developers (papers.ssrn.com)
255. Show HN: 无限 - 能说话的逼真 AI 角色 Infinity – Realistic AI characters that can speak (news.ycombinator.com)
257. 研究报告玩 D&D 有助于自闭症玩家进行社交互动 Study: Playing D&D helps autistic players in social interactions (arstechnica.com)
258. Show HN: Wealthfolio:私人开源投资跟踪器 Wealthfolio: A Private, Open-Source Investment Tracker (wealthfolio.app)
264. 将泡菜与调幅无线电发射塔相碰会发生什么? What happens when you touch a pickle to an AM radio tower (www.jeffgeerling.com)
265. 桑迪亚公司是否在产品徽标中使用了热核二级管? Did Sandia use a thermonuclear secondary in a product logo? (blog.nuclearsecrecy.com)
266. Show HN: 通过类数组 API 查询 SQL 数据库的 Node.js ORM Node.js ORM to query SQL database through an array-like API (github.com)
267. 无论鲍尔默采取何种策略,游戏的预期价值都是正数 The expected value of the game is positive regardless of Ballmer’s strategy (gukov.dev)
268. Show HN: 我们建立了一个带有漂亮图形用户界面的自由和开放源码软件文档内容管理系统 We built a FOSS documentation CMS with a pretty GUI (kalmia.difuse.io)
274. 发现普通食品染料可使皮肤和肌肉暂时透明 Common food dye found to make skin and muscle temporarily transparent (www.theguardian.com)
275. serverless-registry:由 Worker 和 R2 支持的 Docker 注册表 serverless-registry: A Docker registry backed by Workers and R2 (github.com)
277. 盒装 - 在核磁共振成像仪里躺了 30 个小时后我学到的东西 Boxed – Things I learned after lying in an MRI machine for 30 hours (aethermug.com)
278. 我为什么要自己托管服务器以及我最近学到的东西 Why I self host my servers and what I've recently learned (chollinger.com)
279. Launch HN: Maitai (YC S24) - 自我优化的 LLM 平台 Maitai (YC S24) – Self-Optimizing LLM Platform (news.ycombinator.com)
283. Show HN: AnythingLLM - 开源、一体化桌面人工智能助手 AnythingLLM – Open-Source, All-in-One Desktop AI Assistant (github.com)
284. AlphaProteo 为生物学和健康研究生成新型蛋白质 AlphaProteo generates novel proteins for biology and health research (deepmind.google)
285. 受折纸启发的相控阵正在重塑天线的未来 Origami-Inspired Phased Arrays Are Reshaping the Future of Antennas (www.viksnewsletter.com)
293. Python 标准库中鲜为人知的部分 - Trickster Dev Lesser known parts of Python standard library – Trickster Dev (www.trickster.dev)
295. Tinystatus由 Python 脚本生成的微小状态页面 Tinystatus: A tiny status page generated by a Python script (github.com)
296. Show HN: Laminar - 用于 LLM 应用程序的开源 DataDog + PostHog,采用 Rust 构建 Laminar – Open-Source DataDog + PostHog for LLM Apps, Built in Rust (github.com)
297. 使用 ChatGPT 作为学习助手的孩子考试成绩更差 Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests (hechingerreport.org)
298. 加拿大大型房东利用人工智能 "定价方案 "抬高房租 Canadian mega landlord using AI 'pricing scheme' as it hikes rents (breachmedia.ca)