4. SRCL:构建具有终端美感的网络应用的开源 React 项目 SRCL: Open-source React project to build web apps with terminal aesthetics (www.sacred.computer)
5. Show HN: 用于词汇积累的个性化 Duolingo(类似 Personalized Duolingo (kind of) for vocabulary building (github.com)
6. 作者在人工智能盗版调查中寻求 Meta 的洪流客户端日志和种子数据 Authors seek Meta''s torrent client logs and seeding data in AI piracy probe (torrentfreak.com)
7. Ruff:用 Rust 编写的 Python 内核和代码格式化工具 Ruff: Python linter and code formatter written in Rust (github.com)
9. 看起来 Meta 的确是偷了很多书来构建自己的人工智能 It sure looks like Meta stole a lot of books to build its AI (lithub.com)
11. Automattic 首席执行官马特-穆伦维格似乎决心摧毁 WordPress Matt Mullenweg, Automattic''s CEO, Seems Bound and Determined to Wreck WordPress (digitalcxo.com)
14. 埃隆-马斯克在就职典礼集会上连续向法西斯致敬 Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally (www.theguardian.com)
18. 我(不是)失败者:从六次失败的创业尝试中学到的经验教训 I am (not) a failure: Lessons learned from six failed startup attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
19. 我是彼得-罗伯茨,移民律师,为 YC 和初创企业工作。阿马 I''m Peter Roberts, immigration attorney, who does work for YC and startups. AMA (news.ycombinator.com)
26. 通过 9eSIM SIM 卡在只有实体 SIM 卡插槽的设备上使用 eSIM 卡 Using eSIMs with devices that only have a physical SIM slot via a 9eSIM SIM car (neilzone.co.uk)
28. 中断如何影响不同的软件工程活动 How do interruptions impact different software engineering activities (rdel.substack.com)
30. 对于 SATA SDD 而言,"支持 DRM 且可能无法完全访问 "是什么意思? What does "supports DRM and may not be fully accessible" mean for SATA SDDs? (unix.stackexchange.com)
33. 用 C 或 C 从 UTC 字符串中获取 Unix 时区时间的惊人难度 The surprising struggle to get a Unix Epoch time from a UTC string in C or C (berthub.eu)
35. Ask HN: 有人通过销售传统的可下载软件赚钱吗? Is anyone making money selling traditional downloadable software? (news.ycombinator.com)
37. IsMyXFeedFucked - 分析您的 X Feed 对您的影响 IsMyXFeedFucked – Analyze How Your X Feed''s Impacting You (www.ismyxfeedfucked.com)
38. OpenAI 资助了 FrontierMath Benchmarks,并获得了这套工具 OpenAI funded FrontierMath Benchmarks and had access to the set (www.lesswrong.com)
40. 用 Raspberry Pi 为你的家庭实验室打造一个小型 CA Build a tiny CA for your homelab with a Raspberry Pi (smallstep.com)
41. 联想已从新款 ThinkPad 笔记本电脑中移除 TrackPoint 凸点 Lenovo has removed the TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops (www.pcworld.com)
43. 用 RSS 订阅逃离围墙花园和算法黑箱 Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds (www.johnwalker.nl)
44. 为什么 Git Autocorrect 对一级方程式赛车手来说太快了? Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? (blog.gitbutler.com)
45. 在不支持的系统中将 Apple 设备用作门禁卡 Using your Apple device as an access card in unsupported systems (github.com)
47. 真人秀节目 "叛徒 "提供了一堂有益的经济学课 “The Traitors”, a reality TV show, offers a useful economics lesson (www.economist.com)
50. 关于 TikTok 和 ByteDance Ltd. 应用程序在美国的可用性 About availability of TikTok and ByteDance Ltd. apps in the United States (support.apple.com)
51. 我们需要保护运行 Bluesky 的协议 We need to protect the protocol that runs Bluesky (www.technologyreview.com)
54. Yek:序列化您的代码 repo(或其中的一部分),以便输入到任何 LLM 中 Yek: Serialize your code repo (or part of it) to feed into any LLM (github.com)
55. 法老之墓 HD》--用 Kaplay 制作的 JavaScript 重制版 Pharaoh''s Tomb HD – A Remake Made in JavaScript with Kaplay (pt-hd.iocaihost.me)
59. 使用社区版 Synapse 将导致全国范围的 Matrix 部署失败 Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
74. AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A 的巨型内存子系统 The AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A''s Giant Memory Subsystem (chipsandcheese.com)
75. Ask HN: 有人尝试过 SaaS 的其他公司模式(如合作公司)吗? Has anyone tried alternative company models (like a co-op) for SaaS? (news.ycombinator.com)
76. Project Mini Rack - 结构紧凑、便于携带的家庭实验室 Project Mini Rack – compact and portable homelabs (www.jeffgeerling.com)
77. Show HN: 交互式 systemd - 使用 systemd 单元的更好方法 Interactive systemd – a better way to work with systemd units (isd-project.github.io)
80. 您能读懂这些草书字迹吗?国家档案馆需要您的帮助 Can you read this cursive handwriting? The National Archives wants your help (www.smithsonianmag.com)
81. 我一直在倡导支持 RSS,你也应该这样做 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
82. 晚饭时摄入更多的钾与减少睡眠障碍有关--研究 Higher potassium intake at dinner linked to fewer sleep disturbances – study (www.nutraingredients-asia.com)
84. EFF 就美国最高法院维持 TikTok 禁令的决定发表声明 EFF statement on U.S. Supreme Court''s decision to uphold TikTok ban (www.eff.org)
88. 法国现代派受到报纸贪婪活力的启发,感到震惊 French modernists were alarmed, inspired by newspaper''s voracious dynamism (aeon.co)
89. Ozempic 和 Wegovy 被选中参加医疗保险价格谈判 Ozempic and Wegovy are selected for Medicare''s price negotiations (apnews.com)
90. Show HN: 教授用户体验设计中黑暗模式的互动游戏 Interactive game teaching dark patterns in UX design (games.productartistry.com)
93. 让我们来谈谈人工智能和端到端加密 Let''s talk about AI and end-to-end encryption (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
99. 最高法院裁定维持 TikTok 禁令,为关闭创造条件 Supreme Court rules to uphold TikTok ban, setting stage for shutdown (www.cnbc.com)
101. Firebase 账单通常是 50 美元,但我很惊讶一天之内就看到了 7 万美元的账单 Firebase bill is usually 50, but I was surprised to see a 70k bill in one day (twitter.com)
105. 通用汽车 5 年内禁止出售驾驶行为数据 General Motors Is Banned from Selling Driving Behavior Data for 5 Years (www.nytimes.com)
106. 绕过带有 TPM2 自动解锁功能的系统上的磁盘加密 Bypassing disk encryption on systems with automatic TPM2 unlock (oddlama.org)
107. 您不能将价值 6299 美元的摄像头用作网络摄像头。那将是 5 美元 You can''t use your 6,299.00 Camera as a Webcam. That will be 5 (romanzipp.com)
112. 用 100 种语言解决前 100 个欧拉项目问题 Solving the first 100 Project Euler problems using 100 languages (github.com)
116. 苏奇尔-巴拉吉案重审:从 "自杀 "到 "积极调查 Suchir Balaji Case Reopened: From ‘Suicide'' to ''Active Investigation’ (www.republicbiz.com)
117. 红帽利用 OpenShift 虚拟化引擎向 VMware 商店招手 Red Hat Woos VMware Shops with OpenShift Virtualization Engine (www.nextplatform.com)
119. GitHub Linux ARM64 托管运行程序现已在公共软件源中免费提供 GitHub Linux ARM64 hosted runners now available for free in public repositories (github.blog)
122. 2 千年陈酿与过去的奇妙直接性 2k-year-old wine and the uncanny immediacy of the past (resobscura.substack.com)
123. 双峰》和《穆赫兰道》导演大卫-林奇去世,享年 78 岁 David Lynch, Twin Peaks and Muholland Drive director, dies aged 78 (www.theguardian.com)
125. 同样的三个乐队出现在三种不同的演示文稿中,标签各不相同 Same three bands appear in three different presentations with different labels (pubpeer.com)
128. Show HN: 我创建了一个开放源代码目录,供大家展示自己的项目 I made an open source directory of where to showoff your projects (github.com)
130. 倡导团体认为,苹果在欧盟法律下的互操作性努力还不够 Apple interoperability efforts under EU law falls short, advocacy groups argue (www.theregister.com)
131. 数学家发现球体 "接吻 "的新方法 Mathematicians Discover New Way for Spheres to ''Kiss'' (www.quantamagazine.org)
133. Natrium "先进 "核电站获得怀俄明州许可 Natrium ''advanced nuclear'' power plant wins Wyoming permit (wyofile.com)
139. 蓝色起源公司的 "新格伦 "巨型火箭首次飞行便进入轨道 Blue Origin reaches orbit on first flight of its titanic New Glenn rocket (arstechnica.com)
145. Show HN: 我为独立制作者打造了一个公平的产品 Hunt 替代方案 I built a fair alternative to Product Hunt for indie makers (news.ycombinator.com)
147. 以色列与哈马斯达成停火协议,结束加沙 15 个月的战争 Israel, Hamas reach ceasefire deal to end 15 months of war in Gaza (www.reuters.com)
149. 谷歌将免费提供 Gmail 和 Docs 中的人工智能,但提高了 Workspace 的价格 Google is making AI in Gmail and Docs free, but raising the price of Workspace (www.theverge.com)
150. 澳航南非航班因 SpaceX 火箭碎片坠落而延误 Qantas South Africa flights delayed by falling debris from SpaceX rockets (www.theguardian.com)
151. 联合健康保险公司向癌症患者多收了超过 1000% 的药费 UnitedHealth overcharged cancer patients for drugs by over 1,000% (fortune.com)
152. 瑞典投资 1.04 亿欧元恢复印刷教科书 Sweden is investing 104M to bring back printed textbooks (indiandefencereview.com)
153. GOG 加入欧洲游戏档案、博物馆和保护项目联合会 GOG Joins European Federation of Game Archives, Museums & Preservation Projects (www.gamingonlinux.com)
158. 用 Rust 和 647 个开源依赖项在四个月内构建数据库 Build a Database in Four Months with Rust and 647 Open-Source Dependencies (tisonkun.io)
159. Ropey - 用于操作和编辑大型文本的 UTF8 文本绳。 Ropey – A UTF8 text rope for manipulating and editing large texts. in Rust (github.com)
160. 为什么 Cloudflare 页面有如此慷慨的免费层? Why does Cloudflare Pages have such a generous free tier? (mattsayar.com)
161. 去甲肾上腺素介导的缓慢血管运动驱动睡眠中的甘液清除 Norepinephrine-mediated slow vasomotion drives glymphatic clearance during sleep (www.cell.com)
163. 美国将禁止在谷物和其他食品中使用与癌症有关的 3 号红色染料 US Will Ban Cancer-Linked Red Dye No. 3 in Cereal and Other Foods (www.bloomberg.com)
167. Show HN: Simplex:使用代码和自然语言自动执行浏览器工作流 Simplex: Automate browser workflows using code and natural language (www.simplex.sh)
170. 内华达州法院制止警方利用联邦漏洞进行民事没收 Nevada Court Shuts Down Police Use of Federal Loophole for Civil Forfeiture (ij.org)
172. 带有计划任务(jawbone)的 GPT-4o 已推出测试版 GPT-4o with scheduled tasks (jawbone) is available in beta (chatgpt.com)
178. Show HN: 从搜索结果中删除垃圾邮件和不良网站的屏蔽列表 A blocklist to remove spam and bad websites from search results (github.com)
179. 如果你看到这个速度标志,你可能会死掉 If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You''re Probably Going to Die (www.theautopian.com)
183. Show HN: GitHub 上由 WASM 支持的 Python 笔记本代码空间 WASM-powered codespaces for Python notebooks on GitHub (docs.marimo.io)
185. 平台系统性地删除一名用户,因为他制作了 "通缉 CEO "卡片 Platforms systematically removed a user because he made "most wanted CEO" cards (www.eff.org)
186. 关于推进美国在人工智能基础设施领域的领导地位的行政令 Executive order on advancing United States leadership in AI infrastructure (www.whitehouse.gov)
189. Ask HN: 如何防止社交媒体对孩子的影响? How do you prevent the impact of social media on your children? (news.ycombinator.com)
193. Mastodon 宣布新的欧洲非营利组织,并更换首席执行官 Mastodon announces new European non-profit, change of CEO (blog.joinmastodon.org)
194. 苹果公司即将从台积电亚利桑那晶圆厂获得 "美国制造 "芯片 Apple will soon receive ''made in America'' chips from TSMC''s Arizona fab (www.tomshardware.com)
195. 全州保险公司使用 GasBuddy 和其他应用程序跟踪驾驶行为:诉讼 Allstate used GasBuddy and other apps to track driving behavior: lawsuit (arstechnica.com)
196. Meta 宣布削减 5%,为 "紧张的一年 "做准备 Meta announces 5% cuts in preparation for ''intense year'' (www.cnbc.com)
197. 谷歌 OAuth 漏洞导致数百万个账户存在漏洞 Millions of Accounts Vulnerable Due to Google''s OAuth Flaw (trufflesecurity.com)
198. 质子:我们将捐出 100 多万美元来支持更好的互联网 Proton: We''re giving away over 1M to support a better internet (proton.me)
199. 锡克教的 "Langar "习俗--人人平等的免费膳食 The Sikh Practice of Langar, a Free Meal Where Everyone Is Equal (www.wttw.com)
203. 每 5 个在线招聘信息中就有 1 个是虚假的或从未被录用过 1 in 5 Online Job Postings Are Either Fake or Never Filled (gizmodo.com)
204. 让十字路口对行人不安全,为司机节省时间 Making an Intersection Unsafe for Pedestrians to Save Seconds for Drivers (collegetowns.substack.com)
205. 美国工人对工作的热情降至十年来最低点 American workers'' enthusiasm for their jobs falls to a 10-year low (www.axios.com)
208. 据最新全球估计,植物对二氧化碳的吸收量增加了近三分之一 Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates (www.ornl.gov)
209. PostgreSQL 是 2024 年的数据库管理系统 PostgreSQL Is the Database Management System of the Year 2024 (db-engines.com)
213. Webtop - 包含完整桌面环境的 Alpine、Ubuntu、Fedora 和 Arch 容器 Webtop – Alpine,Ubuntu,Fedora,and Arch containers containing full desktop envs (docs.linuxserver.io)
215. Snyk 安全研究员部署了针对 Cursor.com 的恶意 NPM 软件包 Snyk security researcher deploys malicious NPM packages targeting Cursor.com (sourcecodered.com)
216. 拥堵收费开启后,曼哈顿道路上的驾驶员减少了 4.3 万人 43K fewer drivers on Manhattan roads after congestion pricing turned on (gothamist.com)
217. 纽约开始执行互联网服务提供商试图扼杀的 15 美元宽带法 New York starts enforcing 15 broadband law that ISPs tried to kill (arstechnica.com)
218. Ask HN: 2025 年,维护个人博客还值得吗? Is maintaining a personal blog still worth it? (news.ycombinator.com)
219. 西班牙建议对非欧盟居民购买的房屋征收 100% 的税款 Spain proposes 100% tax on homes bought by non-EU residents (www.theguardian.com)
222. 如果在河边等待 14272 年,你能走完俄勒冈小道吗?一项研究 Can you complete the Oregon Trail if you wait at river for 14272 years: A study (moral.net.au)
224. Facebook 屏蔽了联合 Instagram 替代品 Pixelfed 的链接 Facebook blocks links to Pixelfed, a federated Instagram alternative (bsky.app)
225. 摩根大通工人在 "重返办公室 "规定出台后考虑加入工会 JPMorgan Workers Ponder Union in Wake of Return-to-Office Mandate (www.barrons.com)
230. 我创建了一个开源的硬件黑客 Wiki,为初学者提供教程 I created an open-source Hardware Hacking Wiki – with tutorials for beginners (www.hardbreak.wiki)
232. Show HN: 美国退伍军人记录的新搜索引擎和免费 FOIA 传真网络版 New search engine and free-FOIA-by-fax-via-web for US veteran records (www.birls.org)
233. 为什么盖蒂中心是火灾中艺术品最安全的地方(2019年) Why the Getty Center Is the Safest Place for Art During a Fire (2019) (www.getty.edu)
234. 欧洲云计算提供商 Anexia 将 1.2 万台虚拟机从 VMware 迁移到自制 KVM 平台 Euro-cloud provider Anexia moves 12,000 VMs off VMware to homebrew KVM platform (www.theregister.com)
236. Ask HN: 我是这里唯一一个无法忍受 HN 对人工智能痴迷的人吗? Am I the only one here who can''t stand HN''s AI obsession? (news.ycombinator.com)
237. 从谷歌/Bing/LinkedIn消失:对反网络中立论文的反驳 Vanished from Google/Bing/LinkedIn: a rebuttal of an anti-net neutrality paper (internetthought.blogspot.com)
238. 好运当头》可能被禁止在 Google Play 上播放 Luck Be a Landlord Might Be Banned from Google Play (blog.trampolinetales.com)
239. 伦敦地铁/巴士实时地图被 TfL 商标投诉撤下 Live London Underground / bus maps taken down by TfL trademark complaint (traintimes.org.uk)
241. 员工绕过人力资源部门,在 LinkedIn 上分享信息 Employees are bypassing HR, sharing on LinkedIn (www.businessinsider.com)
242. 老电影里的汽车是怎么散架的(2017) How did they make cars fall apart in old movies (2017) (movies.stackexchange.com)
246. 免费电影逐帧手绘再现 "蜜蜂电影"(2023 年) The Free Movie: Frame-by-frame, handrawn reproduction of "The Bee Movie" (2023) (thefreemovie.buzz)
247. Canva 故障:饱和与恢复能力的另一个故事 The Canva outage: another tale of saturation and resilience (surfingcomplexity.blog)
248. 基于选择的游戏中的标准模式(2015) Standard patterns in choice-based games (2015) (heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com)
250. 如果我们有一个最好的产品工程组织,它会是什么样子? If we had the best product engineering organization, what would it look like? (www.jamesshore.com)
253. 研究发现含糖饮料与数百万心脏病和糖尿病病例有关 Study links sugar-filled drinks to millions of heart disease and diabetes cases (bgr.com)
254. 渴望 20 年前的 "友好 "网络世界是个错误 The mistake of yearning for the ''friendly'' online world of 20 years ago (english.elpais.com)
256. 从 ASCII 到 ASIC:将 donut.c 移植到微小的硅片上 From ASCII to ASIC: Porting donut.c to a tiny slice of silicon (www.a1k0n.net)
257. 我删除了我的社交媒体账户(为什么你也应该删除?) I deleted my social media accounts (and why you should too) (asylumsquare.com)
262. Mac Mini G4 - 最适合复古游戏的 "经典 "Macintosh? Mac Mini G4 – The best « classic » Macintosh for retro-gaming? (www.xtof.info)
269. 背道而驰的后门--又一个 20 美元的域名,更多的政府 Backdooring Your Backdoors – Another 20 Domain, More Governments (labs.watchtowr.com)
270. 坏苹果,但我在 Vim 中搜索了 6 500 个 regexes Bad Apple but it''s 6,500 regexes that I search for in Vim (eieio.games)
271. 作为澳大利亚人为美国公司工作的感受 What it''s like working for American companies as an Australian (www.seangoedecke.com)
272. 穆伦维格关闭 WordPress 可持续发展团队,引发反弹 Mullenweg Shuts Down WordPress Sustainability Team, Igniting Backlash (www.therepository.email)
273. 扎克伯格批准在 LibGen 上训练 Llama [pdf] Zuckerberg approved training Llama on LibGen [pdf] (storage.courtlistener.com)
280. 最黑暗和最晴朗的天空面临工业大项目的风险 Darkest and clearest skies at risk from industrial megaproject (www.eso.org)
284. Adobe Lightroom 的 AI 移除功能为飞行中的鸟类照片添加了一枚比特币 Adobe Lightroom''s AI Remove feature added a Bitcoin to bird in flight photo (bsky.app)
289. 马特-穆伦维格停用了计划分叉的贡献者的 WordPress 账户 Matt Mullenweg deactivates WordPress accounts of contributors planning a fork (techcrunch.com)
292. Show HN: TypeScript/React/Vue 窗口布局管理器(标签、浮动、弹出) TypeScript/React/Vue Window Layout Manager (Tabs, Floating, Popouts) (github.com)
293. PrivTracker - 面向所有人的私有 BitTorrent 跟踪器 PrivTracker – Private BitTorrent tracker for everyone (privtracker.com)
296. 通过 Go/TinyGo 中的 Apple FindMy 网络追踪设备 Track your devices via Apple FindMy network in Go/TinyGo (github.com)
297. Ask HN: 如何面对高级工程师新工作的第一天? How to approach first days on a new job as a senior engineer? (news.ycombinator.com)
298. 几乎所有二进制搜索和合并排序都被破解(2006 年) Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts Are Broken (2006) (research.google)