1. 联邦调查局为调查加密货币 "抽水与倾销 "计划创建了一枚硬币 The FBI created a coin to investigate crypto pump-and-dump schemes (www.theverge.com)
2. Nixiesearch:在 S3 上运行 Lucene,以及我们为什么要构建一个新的搜索引擎 Nixiesearch: Running Lucene over S3, and why we're building a new search engine (nixiesearch.substack.com)
5. 哥本哈根手册:在网络应用程序中实施验证的一般指南 The Copenhagen Book: general guideline on implementing auth in web applications (thecopenhagenbook.com)
7. Open-TV:超快、简单、强大的跨平台 IPTV 应用程序 Open-TV: Ultra-fast, simple and powerful cross-platform IPTV app (github.com)
8. Microsoft Recall 现在是 explorer.exe 的一个依赖项 Microsoft Recall is now an explorer.exe dependency (github.com)
9. 工作室:请不要破坏我们正在观看的电影 Studios: Please Don't Spoil the Movie We Are Seated to See (fxrant.blogspot.com)
11. 欠你的银行家 1k 英镑,你只能任他摆布;欠他 100 万英镑,情况就会相反(2019 年) Owe your banker £1k you are at his mercy; owe him £1m the position is reversed (2019) (quoteinvestigator.com)
12. 慷慨、体贴、善良是高智商的标志 Being generous, thoughtful, and kind is a sign of high intelligence (www.inc.com)
13. Show HN: Tenno - Markdown 和 JavaScript = Word 和 Excel 的混合体 Tenno – Markdown and JavaScript = an Hybrid of Word and Excel (tenno.app)
15. Show HN: Iceoryx2 - 适用于 Rust、C++ 和 C 的快速 IPC 库 Iceoryx2 – Fast IPC Library for Rust, C++, and C (ekxide.io)
16. 破产的菲斯科公司称无法将其电动汽车迁移到新所有者的服务器上 Bankrupt Fisker says it can't migrate its EVs to a new owner's server (arstechnica.com)
18. Mozilla 修复火狐浏览器零日攻击漏洞 Mozilla fixes Firefox zero-day actively exploited in attacks (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
20. Show HN: FinetuneDB - 用于创建自定义 LLM 的人工智能微调平台 FinetuneDB – AI fine-tuning platform to create custom LLMs (finetunedb.com)
23. 如何让 "产品 "对你的建筑提案不屑一顾? How to make Product give a shit about your architecture proposal (gieseanw.wordpress.com)
24. Show HN: Donobu - 用于网络自动化和测试的 Mac 应用程序 Donobu – Mac App for Web Automation and Testing (www.donobu.com)
25. 印度企业家、实业家和慈善家拉坦-塔塔去世,享年 86 岁 Indian entrepreneur, industrialist, and philanthropist, Ratan Tata, dead at 86 (en.wikipedia.org)
27. Windows 11 与 Ubuntu 24.10 在英特尔酷睿 7 Lunar Lake 上的性能对比 Windows 11 vs. Ubuntu 24.10 Performance For Intel Core Ultra 7 Lunar Lake (www.phoronix.com)
29. 为什么 Gov.uk 的 "退出本页 "组件不使用 Escape 键? Why Gov.uk's Exit this Page component doesn't use the Escape key (beeps.website)
31. Wordpress.org 登录:"我与 WP Engine 没有任何关系。 Wordpress.org Login: "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way" (www.404media.co)
32. Dito - 用 Go 编写的高级第 7 层反向代理服务器 Dito – an advanced Layer 7 reverse proxy server written in Go (github.com)
33. 互联网档案馆接管莱顿大学的外国学位论文 The Internet Archive takes over foreign dissertations from Leiden University (www.library.universiteitleiden.nl)
37. Wordpress.org 登录:我与 WP Engine 没有任何关系 Wordpress.org Login: I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way (login.wordpress.org)
38. 杰弗里-辛顿说他为伊利亚-苏茨基弗 "解雇了萨姆-奥特曼 "而感到自豪 Geoffrey Hinton says he's proud Ilya Sutskever 'fired Sam Altman' (techcrunch.com)
39. 新闻发布会:杰弗里-亨顿教授,2024 年诺贝尔物理学奖 [视频] Press Conference: Professor Geoffrey Hinton, Nobel Prize in Physics 2024 [video] (www.youtube.com)
40. OpenAI 采用公益结构抵御恶意收购 OpenAI pursues public benefit structure to fend off hostile takeovers (www.ft.com)
43. 白痴撇号 "获得批准,德国人谴责英语的影响 Germans decry influence of English as 'idiot's apostrophe' gets approval (www.theguardian.com)
47. 私营情报公司如何成为新的间谍头子 How private intelligence companies became the new spymasters (engelsbergideas.com)
49. 自由开放的互联网不应以牺牲隐私为代价 A free and open internet shouldn't come at the expense of privacy (blog.mozilla.org)
50. 月球湖的 iGPU:英特尔 Xe2 架构首次亮相 Lunar Lake's iGPU: Debut of Intel's Xe2 Architecture (chipsandcheese.com)
53. 诺贝尔化学奖计算蛋白质设计和蛋白质结构预测 Chemistry Nobel: Computational protein design and protein structure prediction (www.nobelprize.org)
55. Cognizant 被认定犯有歧视非印度裔员工罪 Cognizant found guilty of discriminating against non-Indian employees (twitter.com)
56. 智能电视就像人们家中的 "数字特洛伊木马 Smart TVs are like "a digital Trojan Horse" in people's homes (arstechnica.com)
59. 利用定制恶意软件攻破欧洲政府空中监控系统 European govt air-gapped systems breached using custom malware (www.welivesecurity.com)
60. 人类互联网正在消亡。人工智能图像占据谷歌搜索结果榜首 The human internet is dying. AI images are taking over Google top results (old.reddit.com)
66. Show HN: 利用 Web 组件为网络重建 Winamp 和其他媒体播放器 Winamp and other media players, rebuilt for the web with Web Components (player.style)
67. 将字符串转换为大写或小写的流行但错误的方法 A popular but wrong way to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase (devblogs.microsoft.com)
69. 我们能否制造出至少能使用 50 年的计算机?(2021) Could we build a computer designed to last at least fifty years? (2021) (ploum.net)
70. 如何在公司动荡之际删除 23andMe 数据 How to delete your 23andMe data amid the company's turmoil (lifehacker.com)
72. 美国环保局称全国范围内必须更换含铅饮用水管道 Lead drinking-water pipes must be replaced nationwide, EPA says (www.nytimes.com)
81. 诺贝尔物理学奖授予机器学习和神经网络 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Machine Learning and Neural Networks (www.nobelprize.org)
82. 约翰-霍普菲尔德和杰夫-辛顿荣获诺贝尔物理学奖 [pdf] John Hopfield and Geoff Hinton Win Physics Nobel Prize [pdf] (www.nobelprize.org)
85. 福岛反应堆:东京电力机器人旨在提取核燃料 Fukushima Reactor: TEPCO robot aims to extract nuclear fuel (spectrum.ieee.org)
88. 谷歌将 "每 15 分钟 "跟踪一次您的位置--即使 GPS 已禁用 Google Will Track Your Location 'Every 15 Minutes'–'Even with GPS Disabled' (www.forbes.com)
89. Longwriter - 将 llama3.1 的输出增加到 10k 字 Longwriter – Increase llama3.1 output to 10k words (github.com)
94. uBlock Origin 现在支持在 Firefox 上过滤 CNAME 隐身网站了 uBlock Origin supports filtering CNAME cloaking sites on Firefox now (github.com)
95. 齐格用于表达 API 消息和配置文件的数据序列化语言 Ziggy: Data serialization language for expressing API messages, config files (ziggy-lang.io)
97. Epic 法官裁定,谷歌必须向第三方商店开放安卓系统 Google must open Android for third-party stores, rules Epic judge (www.theverge.com)
101. 自制人工智能无人机软件能在搜救队找不到人时找到人 Homemade AI Drone Software Finds People When Search and Rescue Teams Can't (www.wired.com)
102. 几乎所有关于 "孔雀宝宝 "的谷歌图片结果都是人工智能生成的 Nearly all of the Google Images results for "Baby Peacock" are AI generated (twitter.com)
104. 据报道,AT&T 和 Verizon 遭黑客攻击,目标是美国政府窃听平台 AT&T, Verizon reportedly hacked to target US govt wiretapping platform (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
106. Show HN: 开源实时对话人工智能可穿戴设备只需几美元 Open-source real-time talk-to-AI wearable device for few $ (github.com)
116. ByteDance 的 Bytespider 的刮擦率远高于其他平台 ByteDance’s Bytespider is scraping at much higher rates than other platforms (fortune.com)
123. Adobe 将元素的永久许可证缩短至三年 Adobe Cuts Perpetual License for Elements Down to Just Three Years (petapixel.com)
128. 如何阻止广告商在互联网上跟踪你的青少年 How to stop advertisers from tracking your teen across the internet (www.eff.org)
130. 谷歌的人工智能认为我把佳得乐饮料瓶落在了月球上 Google’s AI thinks I left a Gatorade bottle on the moon (edwardbenson.com)
131. 大众科学》杂志档案,1872 年 5 月至 2009 年 3 月 Popular Science Magazine Archives, May 1872-March 2009 (books.google.com)
137. 启用星链(Starlink)直达蜂窝技术,发送飓风海伦(HELENE)紧急信息 Starlink direct-to-cell enabled for hurricane helene emergency messaging (twitter.com)
141. Gokapi:支持 AWS S3 的轻量级自托管 Firefox Send 替代方案 Gokapi: Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative with AWS S3 support (github.com)
143. XFCE 4.20 旨在提供初步的 Wayland 支持 XFCE 4.20 Aims to Bring Preliminary Wayland Support (ostechnix.com)
146. Show HN: Brisa 框架--使用网络平台统一服务器和客户端 Brisa Framework – Unifying server and client using the Web Platform (brisa.build)
147. WiFi4EU 计划在全欧洲公共场所提供免费 Wi-Fi 服务 WiFi4EU initiative provides free Wi-Fi in public spaces across Europe (hadea.ec.europa.eu)
148. Ask HN: 是否有人每天至少在 Apple Vision Pro 上工作 4 个小时? Is anyone working at least 4 hours daily on an Apple Vision Pro? (news.ycombinator.com)
151. 温哥华岛出现一只开路先锋灰熊和它的两只幼崽 One pioneering grizzly and her two cubs appear on Vancouver Island (hakaimagazine.com)
152. ByteDance 滥用免费视频下载服务 Cobalt 进行大规模搜刮 ByteDance is abusing the free video downloading service Cobalt for mass scraping (twitter.com)
155. 源代码示例中使用 "foo "和 "bar "的历史是怎样的?(2012) What is the history of the use of "foo" and "bar" in source code examples? (2012) (softwareengineering.stackexchange.com)
157. 我们需要一个真正的 GNU/Linux(而非 Android)智能手机生态系统 We need a real GNU/Linux (not Android) smartphone ecosystem (old.reddit.com)
160. 世界首例利用供体细胞的疗法使自身免疫性疾病得到缓解 World-first therapy using donor cells sends autoimmune diseases into remission (www.nature.com)
163. 少年黑客成为攻击公司的传奇,然后他的对手攻击了他 Teenage hacker became a legend attacking companies, then his rivals attacked him (www.wsj.com)
165. 数据可视化目录:找到适合您数据的方法 The Data Visualisation Catalogue: find the right method for your data (datavizcatalogue.com)
166. 流行的肠道益生菌在随机对照试验中表现不佳 Popular gut probiotic craps out in randomized controlled trial (arstechnica.com)
167. 研究表明,一种不含药物的鼻腔喷雾剂可预防呼吸道感染 Studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections (medicalxpress.com)
169. 新一代人工智能让法律诉讼变得廉价--企业需要做好准备 Gen AI Makes Legal Action Cheap – and Companies Need to Prepare (hbr.org)
170. 我们是在儿子 20 岁去世后才知道他的网络生活的 We only learnt of our son's online life after he died at 20 (www.thetimes.com)
171. Cloudflare 痛击专利巨头,专利巨头基本放弃 Cloudflare beats patent troll so badly it basically gives up (www.theregister.com)
172. Globus INK:苏联航天用机械导航计算机 The Globus INK: a mechanical navigation computer for Soviet spaceflight (www.righto.com)
173. Rune:一款本地音乐播放器,用现代技术重塑 Zune 的经典美感 Rune: A Local Music Player Reviving Zune's Classic Aesthetic with Modern Tech (github.com)
178. 计算机科学家将两种 "漂亮 "的证明方法结合起来 Computer scientists combine two 'beautiful' proof methods (www.quantamagazine.org)
179. 苹果发布深度专业版--改写 3D 视觉规则的人工智能模型 Apple releases Depth Pro, an AI model that rewrites the rules of 3D vision (venturebeat.com)
180. Show HN: FFmpeg-over-IP - 连接到远程 FFmpeg 服务器 FFmpeg-over-IP – Connect to remote FFmpeg servers (github.com)
181. 炊纸(kashikishi)是一款利用 GPU 在三维空间中编辑文本的文本编辑器。 炊紙(kashikishi) is a text editor that utilizes GPU to edit text in a 3D space (github.com)
182. 从千年种子中复活的具有药用价值的圣经植物 Biblical plant with medicinal properties resurrected from 1,000-year-old seed (www.cnn.com)
184. 飞行员在北卡罗来纳州执行海伦救援任务时受到逮捕威胁 Pilot flying Helene rescue missions in NC threatened with arrest (www.qcnews.com)
185. Max Schrems 在起诉 Meta 公司有关性取向数据的隐私案中胜诉 Max Schrems wins privacy case against Meta over data on sexual orientation (apnews.com)
186. 在没有可编程计算机的情况下,70 年代的乒乓等游戏是如何制作出来的? How were 70s versions of games like Pong built without a programmable computer? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
192. 深度专业版不到一秒的时间就能获得清晰的单目度量深度 Depth Pro: Sharp monocular metric depth in less than a second (github.com)
193. ESP32:留下爱的音符,进入 demoscene 领域(2022 年) ESP32: leaving love notes and entering demoscene territory (2022) (theor.xyz)
199. Show HN: One - 统一网络、原生和本地优先的全新 React 框架 One – A new React framework unifying web, native and local-first (onestack.dev)
200. Perfctl:针对 Linux 服务器的隐蔽恶意软件 Perfctl: A Stealthy Malware Targeting Linux Servers (www.aquasec.com)
202. 美国国税局直接文件新增 12 个州,2025 年覆盖更多纳税情况 IRS Direct File adds 12 additional states, covers more tax situations in 2025 (www.irs.gov)
204. Show HN: 切比雪夫近似计算器(开源网络应用程序) Chebyshev approximation calculator (open source web app) (stuffmatic.com)
207. 新研究称,"蓝区 "可以用有滑稽缺陷的数据来解释 New research says blue zones can be explained by comically flawed data (www.independent.co.uk)
208. 随着首席执行官与 WP Engine 的斗争升级,159 名员工将离开 Automattic 159 employees are leaving Automattic as CEO’s fight with WP Engine escalates (techcrunch.com)
212. 为什么男人会在 00:30 打印 "gimme gimme gimme"? Why does man print "gimme gimme gimme" at 00:30? (2017) (unix.stackexchange.com)
214. 我们为何以及如何将许多服务器从 Linux 迁移到 BSD Why and how we’re migrating many of our servers from Linux to the BSDs (it-notes.dragas.net)
215. 2017 年以来最大的太阳耀斑从太阳上爆发,地球处于火线上 Biggest solar flare since 2017 erupts from sun and Earth is in the firing line (www.space.com)
216. MikroPhone一款增强隐私保护、功能简单的 RISC-V 移动电话 MikroPhone: A privacy enhanced, simple and featured RISC-V mobile phone (mikrophone.net)
217. 考克斯降低整个社区的网速,惩罚重度用户 Cox slows Internet speeds in entire neighborhoods to punish any heavy users (arstechnica.com)
219. 美国能源部宣布投入 15 亿美元改善电网 US Dept of Energy announces $1.5B in electric grid improvements (www.upi.com)
221. 谷歌表示不会效仿亚马逊强制要求员工返回办公室 Google Says It Won't Follow Amazon's Lead with a Return-to-Office Mandate (www.entrepreneur.com)
226. Starlink 为 "海伦 "飓风灾民提供 30 天免费上网服务 Starlink offering free internet access for 30 days for Hurricane Helene victims (www.starlink.com)
227. FLUX1.1 [pro] - 来自黑森林实验室的新 SotA 文本到图像模型 FLUX1.1 [pro] – New SotA text-to-image model from Black Forest Labs (replicate.com)
229. 在低资源边缘设备上高效服务 70B 级 LLM [pdf] Serving 70B-Scale LLMs Efficiently on Low-Resource Edge Devices [pdf] (arxiv.org)
230. 舞蹈训练在诱导大脑可塑性方面优于体育锻炼 (2018) Dance training superior to physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity (2018) (journals.plos.org)
233. 专利巨头 Sable 付出代价,将其所有专利奉献给公众 Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public (blog.cloudflare.com)
235. Show HN: Kameo - 基于 Tokio 构建的容错异步行为体 Kameo – Fault-tolerant async actors built on Tokio (github.com)
238. WALDO:低洼可探测物体行踪确定系统 WALDO: Whereabouts Ascertainment for Low-Lying Detectable Objects (github.com)
239. Ask HN: 英国归还查戈斯群岛后,".io "顶级域名会怎样? What happens to ".io" TLD after UK gives back the Chagos Islands? (news.ycombinator.com)
240. 欧盟:潜在恐怖分子 "的定义为广泛共享信息打开了大门 EU: Definition of "potential terrorists" opens door to broad information-sharing (www.statewatch.org)
246. 为什么我的应用程序很快就会从 Google Play 商店消失? Why my apps will soon be gone from the Google Play Store (frozenfractal.com)
247. 在墨西哥的水下洞穴中,一睹文物、化石和人类遗骸的风采 In Mexico’s underwater caves, a glimpse of artifacts, fossils and human remains (www.smithsonianmag.com)
248. 已归档:WP Engine Inc.诉 Automattic Inc. 和 Matthew Charles Mullenweg [pdf] Filed: WP Engine Inc. v Automattic Inc. and Matthew Charles Mullenweg [pdf] (wpengine.com)
254. 风险投资基金退还资金,称成熟初创企业市场过于疲软 VC Fund gives money back, says the market for mature startups is too weak (www.nytimes.com)
255. 美国二战炸弹在日本机场爆炸,造成滑行道大坑 American WWII bomb explodes at Japanese airport, causing large crater in taxiway (www.cnn.com)
256. 在家制作陶器,无需窑炉(或其他任何东西) [视频] Make Pottery at Home Without a Kiln (Or Anything Else) [video] (www.youtube.com)
260. Show HN: 我做了一个游戏,你可以在无人知晓的情况下玩(无视觉/声音) I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound) (apps.apple.com)
262. 将我们基于 Rust 的索引和查询管道与 Langchain 进行比较 Comparing our Rust-based indexing and querying pipeline to Langchain (bosun.ai)
263. 结束生产线:最后一台 Sun SPARC 工作站 [视频] End the line: The last Sun SPARC workstation [video] (www.youtube.com)
270. Radio Shack 目录档案(1939-2011 年) Radio Shack Catalog Archive (1939-2011) (www.radioshackcatalogs.com)
271. 安大略省北部男子破解当地传说,在湖底发现陈年老酒 Northern Ontario man solves local legend, finds vintage liquor at bottom of lake (www.cbc.ca)
274. 不要把你的城堡建在别人的王国里 (2021) Don't build your castle in other people's kingdoms (2021) (howtomarketagame.com)
276. Product Hunt 并没有消亡,它正在变得更加绅士化 Product Hunt isn't dying, it's becoming gentrified (launchpointzero.com)
278. YouTube 版 Juno 已从应用商店下架 Juno for YouTube has been removed from the App Store (christianselig.com)
279. COBOL 已经 "死 "了很久,我的祖父曾写过关于它的文章 COBOL has been “dead” for so long, my grandpa wrote about it (wumpus-cave.net)
280. 唱片公司与互联网档案馆的 6.21 亿美元官司 The $621M Legal Battle by Record Labels Against Internet Archive (www.rollingstone.com)
282. Quake 可在 Arduino Nano Matter 板上运行,内存仅为 276KB Quake runs in just 276 kB RAM on the Arduino Nano Matter board (community.silabs.com)
283. Show HN: 开源 Sourcegraph 替代软件 Sourcebot Sourcebot, an open-source Sourcegraph alternative (github.com)
284. Anthropic 聘请 OpenAI 联合创始人 Durk Kingma Anthropic hires OpenAI co-founder Durk Kingma (techcrunch.com)
287. Ryujinx(任天堂交换机模拟器)已从 GitHub 移除 Ryujinx (Nintendo Switch emulator) has been removed from GitHub (github.com)
289. Show HN: 延迟低于 1 秒的实时人工智能视频代理 A real time AI video agent with under 1 second of latency (news.ycombinator.com)
292. 戈希尔从 Firefox 商店撤下 uBlock Origin Lite Gorhill pulls uBlock Origin Lite from Firefox store (www.neowin.net)
294. 荷兰将一些被盗文物归还印度尼西亚 The Netherlands has returned some stolen artifacts to Indonesia (www.smithsonianmag.com)
297. Mozilla 判断失误导致与 uBlock Origin 开发者发生冲突 Mozilla's lapse in judgement causes clash with uBlock Origin developer (www.ghacks.net)
298. YC 因支持的人工智能初创公司只是克隆了另一家人工智能初创公司而受到批评 YC criticized for backing AI startup that simply cloned another AI startup (techcrunch.com)
299. 欧洲南方天文台望远镜捕捉到最详细的银河系红外地图 ESO telescope captures the most detailed infrared map of the Milky Way (www.eso.org)